David Bronner – On the Organic Trade Association’s betrayal of the movement for mandatory GMO labelling

Last week President Obama signed the DARK (Deny Americans their Right to Know) Act into law that pre-empts Vermont’s and all other state’s mandatory GMO labeling laws. This bill, passed by Congress two weeks ago, was championed by Senators Debbie Stabenow and Pat Roberts (Ranking Member and Chairman of the Senate Ag committee) along with USDA Secretary of Agriculture Tom …

DARK Act passes Senate vote, proceeds to final debate

The Roberts/Stabenow bill to kill clear GMO labelling has passed the cloture vote in the Senate, 65 yes to 32 no. This means that there will be 30 hours of debate on the bill and then a simple vote, where they only need 51 yes votes, so this means the bill will undoubtedly pass. More stories on this tragic development: …

Brandon Turbeville – DARK Act Passes Senate Committee, A Coup For Big Ag Corporations

On Tuesday June 23rd, it was reported that the Senate’s Agriculture Committee had reached a deal on GMO food labeling and what is essentially a slightly modified version of what clean food proponents have labeled the DARK Act (Denying Americans the Right to Know Act). Senators, corporations and the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association are hailing the bill as the victory for …

Wenonah Hauter – The United States of Monsanto?

This week thousands of Americans took time out of their busy days to call their Senators to demand that they vote against the DARK Act, a bill sponsored by Kansas Senator Pat Roberts, which would prevent consumers from knowing if the food they eat and feed their families contains genetically engineered (GMO) ingredients. Their support for GMO labeling was echoed …