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The Gary Null Show – 04.05.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today,
Here are the topics Gary discussed on his “Health and Healing” segment:
Fruit and vegetable intake in pregnant women reduces risk of upper respiratory tract infection.
Vegetarianism is on the rise but a lot of people are becoming flexitarian, also known as “semi-vegetarian,” which refers to someone who is vegetarian most of the time, but occasionally eats meat.
From Headache to Jaundice, Sky-Blue Chicory Cures Liver Ailments.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Diabetic Foot Wounds.
Gary took a quick break and returned with:
Some of your religious beliefs might be stupid and are primitive.
Are people dumber than they used to be? Yes and TV is one reason. It is intellectually and socially dumbing down young children.
Former Chief Scientific Officer at the Department of Health, Dr. Peter Fletcher on the MMR Vaccine “One of the greatest scandals in medical history.”
This leads into Suzanne Humpries, a practicing nephrologist (kidney physician) who tells you how the vaccine industry isn’t giving people both sides of the story, and parents need to get informed before subjecting their children to vaccines that can potentially cause serious harm or even death. The video link is in the post.
Smedley D. Butler, is a retired United States Marine Corps Major General and two-time Medal of Honor recipient. Based on his career military experience, Butler frankly discusses how business interests commercially benefit (including war profiteering) from warfare. He gave a great speech called “War Is a Racket.” The video link is in the post.
NORMAN POLLACK – Structural Repression: America’s “Soft”-Fascism
Collective absorption into a rotting system may appear volitional, therefore consensus, but in fact represents structural fascism, an historically evolving societal formation and framework of power in which all reference to peace, justice, economic and cultural democratization has been weakened if not eliminated from consciousness through a pounding, reinforced assertion and affirmation of CAPITALISM. Structural because seemingly self-evident and painless, …
Turning Point – 10.26.15
Shelter from the Storm and, The FBI and Civil Liberties
Is American Patriotism Getting Out of Hand?
It’s been called the last refuge of scoundrels. It is undeniably linked to “us-against-them” tribal impulses, rooted in emotion and often impervious to reason. It feeds nationalism and militarism, making it a potentially dangerous phenomenon in a world of modern weaponry. Yet patriotism—outward, vocal, and enthusiastic patriotism—is still considered a vital element in American politics, an aspect of our culture that we …