Anne Dachel – “This is the Worst Medical Fraud in the History of the World”

In a recent talk Dr. Andrew Wakefield went after the media for their complete failure to honestly and thoroughly cover the issue of vaccine safety. He was speaking to a small group of reporters, but his message is meant for all members of the media. Whistleblowing In The Public Interest by Dr. Andrew Wakefield- January 30, 2016 on Vimeo (video). …

The Gary Null Show – 11.04.15

John Gilmore is the Executive Director of the Autism Action Network, a national, not-profit, grassroots advocacy organization that influences legislation and public policy on a wide range of issues impacting the autism community, including access to healthcare, health insurance reform, special education, vaccine rights and civil rights of the disabled. His organization works at the state, federal and sometimes local level to influence the lives of people with autism and their families. Founded as A-CHAMP in 2005, initial efforts focused on the partially successful campaign to ban mercury as an ingredient in vaccines. Mr. Gilmore has a Master’s Degree in Public Policy from the Graduate School of Public Policy at the University of California at Berkley. He lives in Long Beach, NY with his wife and two teenage sons, one who vaccine injury as an infant and is diagnosed with autism. For further information, his organization’s website is and on Facebook

Rita Palma is a parent advocate for vaccine exemptions and the founder of My Kids My Choice, which assists parents to navigate New York State immunization exemption laws and to oppose vaccine mandates. Rita is very familiar with the obstacles and frustration in going through religious waiver to immunization in New York State, even though such waivers remain legal in the state. She has three children and has gone up against the corruption of the state and educational systems regarding vaccination. Her website is

Maine Doctors Testify That They Are Unqualified To Vaccinate Patients – Ginger Taylor

So I wrote this bill… Last summer a reporter I had never heard of from the Portland Press Herald called me about vaccine stuff. I started with my standard, “First of all I am not anti-vaccine. I vaccinated my children and one of them got hurt…” thing. Then he interviewed me for an hour and I got to discuss all …

Voices for Vaccines: 11 Facts Show How it’s a Propaganda Ploy for Emory University, CDC, and Big Pharma – Jeffrey John Aufderheide

Do pharmaceutical companies believe in their product? No. They believe in money and power – they answer only to their stock holders. If they believed in their products, they wouldn’t require legal protection from their product harming children through Public Law 99-660 (the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986). Furthermore, they wouldn’t need to force parents to vaccinate their …

VAERS -The US Government’s Human Garbage Dump – Reaches Half-a-Million Cases – John Stone

In recent days the US Vaccine Adverse Events Reports database (VAERS), opened a quarter of a century ago, was updated to top more than half a million reports. While listing on VAERS does not mean a vaccine injury report is confirmed it is also as a passive reporting database likely to under-report by many times and may represent numerically no more than 1 or …

Infectious Myth – Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on Vaccines – 05.05.15

David talks with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny about vaccines.

Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny is an osteopathic medical doctor, board certified in three medical specialties. From 1986 to 1998, she was a full time Emergency Medicine physician and the director of the Emergency Department in Findlay, Ohio. In 1996, she opened a center for Integrative medicine. Patients have come from nearly all 50 states and 14 countries to get well using a combination of conventional and holistic therapies. Dr. Tenpenny has also produced several books and DVDs.

David and Sherri discuss the side effects of vaccines, the history and politics of vaccines, and the future of even more vaccines, provided in an even more coercive fashion. It is truly a scary time for people with concerns about vaccines, especially (but not only) parents, and it is time to get educated and get politically active. You cannot rely on the political system or the mainstream media to bring sanity back.

New government plan targets pregnant women for vaccinations

Federal health officials continue to push a widespread vaccination agenda, despite strong evidence that immunizations can harm or even kill patients while offering no reassurance of avoiding disease. But, now, this government-sponsored agenda has reached an all-time low. Their latest target? One of the most vulnerable groups: pregnant women. In a National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC) report published by the United States …

Offit Jumps Shark, Orders Starbucks, Plays Armchair Psychologist in Support of Oregon Bill

Senate Bill 442, since defeated in Oregon, had some high-powered supporters. Oregon activists recently unearthed the testimony of Dr. Paul Offit, a resident of Pennsylvania, who put together an extraordinary letter. It’s worth noting that Paul Offit is one of the primary architects of the thinking and logic behind the nationwide attempts to end vaccine exemptions, its remarkable to see …

Offit Vaccine Under Review In France After Baby Deaths

Two brands of rotavirus vaccine licensed in the United States are under review in France after two infant deaths from intussusception in 2012 and 2014. A report has been submitted by the French licensing agency, the MSNA, to the ‘General Directorate of Health’. The brands include the Merck Rotateq vaccine, of which leading compulsory vaccination advocate Paul Offit was co-inventor and share-holder, …