Pauline Schneider and Guy McPherson host NBL with guest, Paul Marcotte, friend and personal assistant during
Guy’s Pacific Northwest Tour. Guy checks in with all the latest from the tour and we learn more about Paul Marcotte, international pet sitter with blog Where’s Paul Now? and currently acting as personal assistant to the professor.
Nature Bats Last – 06.02.15
This week on Nature Bats Last, Pauline Schneider hosts and interviews native New Yorker, blues singer, Marc Black.
They talk about hydrofracking, politics, and music as activism. We get to hear three songs, including “No Fracking Way”, from his latest collaborative album project “Sing for the Silenced” aimed to offer moral support for the silenced victims of the fracking industry.
Nature Bats Last – 03.31.15
This week’s show is hosted by Pauline Schneider. She provides updates about Guy’s health and near-term speaking tours. She includes a long interview with Carolyn Baker.
Nature Bats Last – 03.03.15
Tonight’s edition of Nature Bats Last on the Progressive Radio Network features a conversation between Guy, who is on the road, and two of his hosts: Pauline Panagiotou Schneider organized the current tour, and Frank Xavier Coughlin organized and hosted a workshop in New York City. Download this episode (right click and save)