Still reeling from a stunning and unexpected defeat, courtesy Donald Trump, ex-presidential contender Hillary Clinton finds herself this week in the crosshairs of heavy artillery aimed directly at her, her husband Bill Clinton, and the foundation they operated as a “charity” that claimed to be doing “good works” all over the world but really was a pay-to-play business enterprise that sold political favors and high-level access to individuals, corporations and governments in exchange for hefty “donations” to the foundation.
Leid Stories—Merchants of Misery: The Clinton Foundation Is Back ‘Helping’ Haiti; Election 2016: The ‘Debate’ A Point of No Return’—10.10.16
Merchants of Misery: The Clinton Foundation Is Back ‘Helping’ Haiti; Election 2016: The ‘Debate’ A Point of No Return’
Leid Stories—The Clinton Foundation: Over the Top, Yet Under the Radar—08.30.16
Read most any informational material from the Clinton Foundation about what it and a laundry list of “projects” or “initiatives” it has spawned all over the world do, and you’d probably reach for your checkbook to help support their continued “good works.”