Guest was Ole Dammegard, the world’s top expert on Conspiracies, False Flag events and the global pedophile operations. Discussed how Ole follows the clues and patterns to track future False Flag events and covered the various methods that can be used to take down the massive global pedophile networks and the ways we can help the compromised elite who want …
Focus on the Facts – 03.06.17
The guest was Conchita Sarnoff, Executive Director of the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking. She authored the book, TrafficKing, about the case of Pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, alleged to be one of the founding funders of the Clinton Foundation, who was prosecuted for pedophilia. In the book, Conchita focuses on the extensive allegations regarding Epstein’s pedophilia activities and the numerous famous people involved.
Focus on the Facts – 07.18.16
The guest was Conchita Sarnoff, Executive Director of the Alliance to Rescue Victims of Trafficking. She authored the book, TrafficKing, about the case of Jeffrey Epstein, a billionare and hedge fund manager alleged to be one of the founding funders of the Clinton Foundation who was prosecuted for pedophilia. In the book, Conchita focuses on the extensive allegations regarding Epstein’s pedophilia activities and the numerous famous people involved. More than one million children are trafficked every year in the US and the global figure is more than 20 million. After a decade of researching the issue of human trafficking, Conchita published her book to help explain the problem.
Focus on the Facts – 02.29.16
Investigative journalist and columnist, Wayne Madsen, discussed the death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and the unusual circumstances, including no investigation of the death, which took place at a hunting party at a Bohemian Grove ranch with Satanist decorations. Government officials in the Illuminati and their practice of sexual abuse, pedophilia, and the murder of infants was also discussed.
Focus on the Facts – 02.22.16
“Presidential Puppetry” author Andrew Kreig came on the show to discuss the elite power structure behind the office of the President of the US and how US government officials are able to be blackmailed due to their involvement in pedophilia and sexual abuse which negatively harms the whole country.
How Thatcher’s Government Covered Up a VIP Pedophile Ring
Now that most of the major figures are dead, the truth is emerging about the systematic sexual abuse of children by members of the British government. LONDON — A newspaper editor was handed startling evidence that Britain’s top law enforcement official knew there was a VIP pedophile network in Westminster, at the heart of the British government. What happened next …