Focus On The Facts – 02.27.18

Patricia Negron and I covered the latest news on the effects of the genocide being committed all over the US with methods that include Geoengineering and chemtrail spraying, toxic vaccines, mind and body damaging drugs, GMO foods and pesticides and the fluorinated drinking water now filled with radiation from Fukushima. Also Discussed the lower life expectancy and lower birth rates …

It’s Our Money with Ellen Brown – We Have All The Answers! – 08.02.17

What’s your problem? Unfunded pension funds? Massive state debt? Creeping privatization? Codification of criminal banking? Today’s program addresses these chronic problems with a baseline look at why these issues persist despite available solutions. Ellen discusses a state budget shortfall solution that can also solve state pension shortfalls. Hint: it involves public banks!  Later she talks with noted banking criminologist Bill Black …

DAVE JOHNSON – This Is Why Labor Day, And the Movement That Created It, Matters

Economic anxiety and inequality is contributing (as it always does) to the rise of right-wing, anti-immigrant, xenophobic and racist politics. Many of the people most hurt by the decline of unions are turning to the very politicians who want to kill unions off for good. Economic anxiety can cause people to do things that are against their self-interest. Economic anxiety …