Israeli Study: Your Cell Phone Is Killing Your Sperm

Over the years, science has thoroughly documented the global decline in male fertility, which has been ongoing since the 1940s. Several possible culprits have been blamed such exposure to pesticides, estrogen-mimicking chemicals, and sedentary lifestyles. However, a team of Israeli scientists has found another possible environmental cause. Researchers at Haifa’s Technion- Israel Institute of Technology and Carmel Medical Center, conducted a …

Economic Update – How Markets Fail – 01.31.16

Updates on Johnson Controls Corp evades taxes, Disney sued over abuse of HB-1 visa system, French workers strike against austerity and against socialist government; response to listeners on tax-subsidies for churches and lessons of Israel’s kibbutz experience, Major discussion of (a) 5 major market failures, and (b) major change in UK Labor Party policy favoring worker coops