Did Buddha actually say “Don’t be a jerk”? Brad Warner is an important Zen Buddhist priest and author. His latest book, “DON’T BE A JERK” offers incredible insights into Buddhist teaching.
What constitutes being a jerk? How often does that apply to us? Maybe if we learned more about it, our lives would become more enlightened. Maybe the secret to enlightenment is to avoid jerkhood. Brad has wonderful explanations of deep Buddhist truths so be sure to listen to this “enlightening” interview.
Energy Stew – Karen Frances – 04.15.16
Are you aware of the “other side”? Have you ever communicated with spirits? What is life like when you’re connected to other dimensions?
Karen Frances is a gifted medium who talks frequently with folk on the “other side”. She grew up steeped in Celtic mysticism and the spiritual traditions of Ireland and as a child, communicated with spirits. She’s an advocate of the ethical practice of mediumship, undergoing intensive training at the world-renowned Arthur Findlay College and earning accreditation in mediumship, spiritual healing, and inspirational speaking by its governing body, the Spiritualist National Union.
Energy Stew – Richard A. Bowell – 04.08.16
It looks like everything is polluted. Even our atmosphere has been polluting pristine wildernesses or what’s left of them. Our economy, politics, agriculture, medicine – there’s no secure place to turn.
Can we even trust our minds in this frightening world?
What’s left?
There is a place inside ourselves where we can experience our sacredness but not everyone can find it.
Once we understand our own sacredness, we can see it in everything and contribute to the betterment of life.
Evolution makes progress through truth, beauty and goodness and the more we can embrace it the more whole our future will be.
Richard A. Bowell has written the book, “The Last Unpolluted Place on Earth is Inside Our Selves”.
Listen to this very insightful interview with Richard and find out why the only real way to make progress is to be true to our soul and pursue its higher purpose. Other than that, all our plans are just talk which is why progress is so hard to see.
Richard is also working with Michael Shewchuk who he met at the UN and Michael’s organization, Human Evolutionary Change, is partnering with Richard to foster this important transformation.
Energy Stew – Gail Rex – 04.01.16
Will Earth Acupuncture save us?
Our planet is being ruined by a reckless society. What can we do? Gail Rex is an acupuncturist and decided to perform Earth Acupuncture at the Indian Point Nuclear Plant to help the earth calm down as it sits on an earthquake fault. (Strange place to build a nuclear plant) Gail Rex has written the book, “Earth Acupuncture, Healing the Living Landscape”. Listen to this important interview with Gail about her work on the land close to the Indian Point Power Plant and what it means to heal the earth. If there’s an earthquake under this nuclear plant, it could send plumes of radiation in many directions including New York City. The impact would be overwhelming. Perhaps the acupuncture Gail has done will calm this land enough so the earthquake faults will remain harmless. This kind of work can be done by others at other locations and maybe we can really make Mother Earth happy and have a much more peaceful planet to support us.
Energy Stew – Ellen Goldberg and Dorian Bergen – 03.25.16
There are so many ways we can quickly assess someone’s personality by glancing at their hands. Once you learn this, it’s hard not to look. A wonderful new, comprehensive book has come out that’s very easy to read and holds your attention. Ellen Goldberg and Dorian Bergen have written a very accessible and wonderfully illustrated book of hand reading, “The Art and Science of Hand Reading, Classical Methods for Self-Discovery through Palmistry”.
In this interview, you’ll have an exciting and educational experience of their knowledge and joy about this very insightful world of your hands. Make sure you have your hands available as you listen to the show because you’ll learn a lot about yourself. Of course I’m going to wear mittens for this interview and become inscrutable. (just kidding) They love what they do and will make this half hour a lot of fun. Don’t miss it!!
Energy Stew – MasSajady and Lisa Denton – 03.18.16
What if you had significant improvement in your intuition? What would you know?
What if your knowledge about yourself, others and life in general were so enhanced that you could make more powerful choices and see much better outcomes?
What if stronger intuition showed you that you’re never alone and there are many beings on other planes who are always around you?
What if you just knew so much more?
My guests on this show all live with enhanced intuition. You might think they are not normal and they think they are not normal – at least not in the traditional understanding of normal.
What’s it like to live with intuitive power? Does it solve everything? Not!!! But it sure helps!!!
Heart River Center has been an intuitive school for the last 19 years. I founded the school and Lisa Denton was a student who became a teacher. She’s amazing! Sometimes the two of us work together to solve intuitive mysteries. Steve Gottlieb will also join us. He became a professional intuitive after years of study at Heart River.
Mas Sajady became intuitive after two near death experiences when he was out of body and received empowerments and wisdom from the other side. He’s in town to teach at the New Life Expo this weekend. I’ll be giving a talk there as well.
Energy Stew – Garnet Schulhauser – 03.11.16
Do you have your astral travel map?
Astral travel has infinite destinations so a map can only show you where you’ve been and not where you might go.
Garnet Schulhauser has traveled to places it’s hard to even imagine and he writes about them in his books.
His latest book and interviews are extremely fascinating and open you up to realities and conditions that are important to learn about.
For those of us who don’t astral travel, it’s hard to imagine what it’s like or even to believe it exists.
Putting your own beliefs aside, Garnet’s books are so full of greater wisdom and possibilities that to not enjoy the ride is missing out on much wonder.
I’m in his camp and am divinely inspired by the stories he collects from his travels. A lot of people have astral traveled and also have great experiences to bring home. Garnet is assisted by a spirit named Albert who comes for him and introduces him around the Universe.
Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about his adventures and the wonderful insights he shares.
His new book is “Dance of Heavenly Bliss” and his first two were, “Dancing on a Stamp” and “Dancing Forever with Spirit”.
Energy Stew – Leslie B. Shore – 03.04.16
We do our best to listen well and none of us are perfect. I found this book “Listen to Succeed, How to Identify and Overcome Barriers to Effective Listening” very helpful to understand my own listening limitations.
My guest, the author Leslie B. Shore, has written a very comprehensive book to identify all kinds of both internal and external listening barriers. See if I’ve become a better listener when you listen to this interview.
This subject is more important than you might realize and plays an big role in our success.
Don’t miss this opportunity to identify some new skills that might help you listen better.
Energy Stew – Holley Kelley – 02.26.15
We live in an uncertain reality and you can really help your loved ones to be prepared for end of life situations. There’s also a lot of peace of mind to know that all can be taken care in the way you would want it.
Holley Kelley is an expert about these things and has written a book, “Sunrises and Sunsets, Final Affairs Forged with Flair, Finesse and FUNctionality”.
It’s so much more than legal and accounting papers. We can write essays about what our life has meant to us and what we honor about it. We can make lists of the most important people to us and what they have meant. We can write about our visions and expectations for the world we leave behind.
The lists can go on and on. Holley has done a great job in her book to look at the scope of people’s needs and makes many recommendations.
Not all of you might be ready for a show like this but I really am happy to tackle it. I plan to be around for decades more and this gives me a platform to feel freer.
Energy Stew – David Young – 02.19.16
David Young never expected his music to have this result. He’s always been spiritual and strange occurrences began to happen when he picked up his flutes. He’s had over a million sales of his recordings and has been nominated for a number of Grammys. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear how it all happened and learn about the man behind the powerful flutes.