Millennial graduates express buyer’s remorse regarding their education. College tuition is one of the biggest purchases millennial graduates have made — and now many of them are regretting it. In fact, 57% of millennial graduates regret taking out as many loans as they did, and 36% even said they would not have gone to college if they knew how much …
The waning influence of American political parties
Young Americans don’t care much for political parties. According to the Pew Research Center, 48 percent of millennials (ages 18-33) identify as independents. That’s almost as many as identify as Democrats (28 percent) and Republicans (18 percent) put together. Political scientists are often skeptical about the independent option in surveys. Most individuals who choose to call themselves “independents” still vote consistently with one …
Andy Tix – The New Psychology of Atheism
“Do I believe in God?” This is a question many people will ask themselves this week – even if only to themselves – as they go to church to commemorate Easter. Religious beliefs and behaviors are changing. According to the most recent Pew Research Center Religious Landscape Study(link is external), the number of Americans who aren’t affiliated with any religion has grown substantially …
John Kiriakou – The Very Existence of the NSA Is Illegal
he Washington Post reported last week that the National Security Agency soon would begin providing local law enforcement with data on American citizens intercepted without probable cause and without a warrant. This data has nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. It apparently will be used mostly in drug cases, although it could conceivably be used against any American for any reason. Most …
Adam Horowitz – Palestinian citizens of Israel respond to poll showing Jewish support for expelling Arabs from country
Earlier today Phil and I wrote about a new survey of Israeli attitudes by the Pew Research Center. The poll response that is generating the most attention is the finding that almost half of Israeli Jews agreed with the statement “Arabs should be expelled or transferred from Israel”: Israeli Jews are divided on the question of whether Arabs should be allowed to live …
NDC Savings Club – 02.10.16
Today Show: Meditation
Guest Speaker: Rose Filloramo
Rose Filloramo is the founder and co- Director of “Angel Light”, a counseling and healing center in Asheville NC. Rose and her husband John Williams started Angel Light, A center for transformation in 2006 where she has taught Yoga, Meditation, Spiritual Development classes, and works with The Angelic Realm in her energy healing practice.
Meditation can help us to understand our own mind. We can learn how to transform our mind from negative to positive, from disturbed to peaceful, from unhappy to happy. Overcoming negative minds and cultivating constructive thoughts is the purpose of the transforming meditations found in the Buddhist tradition. This is a profound spiritual practice you can enjoy throughout the day, not just while seated in meditation.
Bamzi Banchiri – What are Americans willing to trade their privacy for?
Many Americans are willing to share their private information, but it depends on what they get in return. A Pew Research Center study released on Thursday revealed that Americans are often reluctant to disclose personal information, and get upset when companies use it to target them with ads. Yet a majority of those surveyed said that they might be willing …
Brooke Borel – The problem with science journalism: we’ve forgotten that reality matters most
It’s the job of science journalists to look beyond data – we have to look at the people doing the science and whether they have conflicts of interest s a science journalist, a lot of your time is spent reporting on new studies, natural phenomena and how research may affect our lives. But there is another key piece to science, …
Dean Baker – The Federal Reserve Board and the Presidential Candidates
Some of the folks watching the Republican presidential debates were struck by the fact that Donald Trump was apparently unfamiliar with the concept of the nuclear triad: that the United States maintains a nuclear force composed of land based missiles, submarine based missiles, and strategic bombers that can deliver nuclear weapons. This is the sort of basic knowledge of the …
Sanders is Right. The Childcare System in the US is a Disaster
One presidential hopeful’s assessment is that the child care system in the U.S. is disastrous. And based on the findings of a new survey, many working parents in the U.S. have reason to agree. The Pew Research Center report, which surveyed over 1,800 parents of kids under 18, offered a reflection of the widening inequality gripping the country. It found, …