What Do Men Really Want? There’s the stereotype, and there’s the reality. But the reality about what men want in women and from women is getting more complex by the minute. Men and their motives are evolving! Brad Coates is especially evolved – and the author of “DIVORCE with DECENCY” 4th Edition – (www.CoatesandFrey.com). Brad and Dr. Diana, friends for some 17 years – discussed the physical and emotional make-up of a man, the economics and careers, and men’s passages through the life cycle. The differences in men’s and women’s brains plays an important role, of course. Both men and women want love and sex…Tune-in to hear about the complexities involved. Part 2, August 2nd, will explore how men fare in relationships, romance, and sexuality.
Fearless Parent Radio – Tech Brain: The Vice Grip of Screens and Lights – 04.20.16
Guest // VIctoria Dunckley, MD Host // Carla Atherton
Has technology grabbed ahold of your kids’ brains, with the vice grip of blue screens and blinking lights? It’s affecting our children socially. It’s messing with brain function and development. It’s causing health problems from fatigue to sleep problems. It’s a catalyst of emotional upset, from tantrums and depression to addictions and even violence.
Do you have a daughter who’s not responding well to treatment? Do you suspect that you son is being medicated unnecessarily?
Could screen time be affecting your child’s grades, happiness, sense of self, relationships, and overall quality of life? Could it be at the root of an ADHD or Oppositional Defiance Disorder diagnosis?
Find out during this interview, and learn how you can join host Carla Atherton and Dr. Dunckley for a screenfast challenge. Reverse these tech side effects and develop new, healthy relationships with technology.