News update – Review of US mainstream news reports about the Syrian government using chemical weapons on its citizens Ken Stone is a veteran Canadian anti-war, social justice and environmental activist. He is the treasurer of the Hamilton Coalition to Stop the War, and serves on the steering committees for the Syrian Solidarity Movement and the Canadian Peace Alliance. In …
What Women Must Know – The Perfect Anti-Aging Worksout with Teresa Tapp – 08.10.17
The Perfect Anti-Aging Worksout with Teresa Tapp  Teresa Tapp is an exercise physiologist, nutritional counselor and savvy businesswoman. Teresa knows how a woman’s body works-especially women over the age of 30. For the past 24 years, she has been chronicling her personal experience and collecting data from hundreds of female clients, developing exciting new insights on women’s health and fitness. …
Need to remember something? Exercise four hours later
Here’s a possible strategy to boost memory—exercise four hours after you learn something. In a study published in the July 11, 2016, Current Biology, researchers found that exercise after learning may improve your memory of the new information, but only if done in a specific time window. In the study, 72 subjects learned 90 picture-location associations—mentally linking an image with …
SAKYONG MIPHAM RINPOCHE – Running Into Meditation
I began to run simply as a way to get some exercise. Soon enough, however, I found myself applying certain principles I have learned in a lifetime of meditating. I’ve incorporated these into my book,Running With the Mind of Meditation. To me, the relationship between meditation and running is natural, for one is a training of the mind and one …
Couch potatoes may have smaller brains later in life
Poor physical fitness in middle age may be linked to a smaller brain size 20 years later, according to a study published in the February 10, 2016, online issue ofNeurology®, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. “We found a direct correlation in our study between poor fitness and brain volume decades later, which indicates accelerated brain aging,” …
Why a walk in the woods really does help your body and your soul
Have you ever wondered why you feel healthier and happier when you stroll through the trees or frolic by the sea? Is it just that you’re spending time away from work, de-stressing and taking in the view? Or is there more to it? For more than 20 years, scientists have been trying to determine the mechanisms by which exposure to …
Larry Schwartz – Can a Pill Make You Smarter? The Brave New World of Smart Drugs
In the 2011 movie Limitless, our loser-turned-hero Bradley Cooper takes a pill, writes a novel in a few days, becomes an investment tycoon, and performs other tricks of mental derring-do. And of course at the end of the movie (spoiler alert!), he gets the girl. If only such a pill really existed. Well, it may. Sort of. Welcome to the world …
John Atcheson – The Oligarchy is Using Our Lizard Brain to Enable a Silent Coup
Once again, the fear machine is going into full force as the Presidential primary campaign heats up. If there’s one thing the politicians in general and Republicans in particular don’t want, it’s people going to the polls with their wits about them. They need people to think and vote with their limbic lizard brains, not their prefrontal cortex. And nothing …