The names of towns and districts in North Dakota echo the violence of an earlier time, when the United States government pushed Native Americans off their ancestral lands onto reservations and, for many, to their deaths. One such town is Cannon Ball. It is in the heart of Sioux County on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. North of Cannon Ball, on …
Project Censored – 11.07.16
Peter Phillips is joined this week by guest co-host and sociologist Michael Sukhov
Their first guest is author Michael Parenti, who discusses the nature of American empire.
Then two guests, Noah Treanor and Paulette Moore, phone in to describe their experiences at Standing Rock, North Dakota,
site of the Dakota Access Pipeline project.
In the final segment of the program, journalist Ann Garrison examines ongoing lies about the 1994 Rwandan massacres,
explains the fears of many in the region about another Clinton presidency, and describes some of the political prisoners now in Rwandan jails.
Seth Gladstone – Who’s Digging In On The Dakota Access Pipeline?
In case you hadn’t heard, resistance to the now-infamous Dakota Access oil pipeline project isn’t letting up. It’s only growing stronger. For months, the Standing Rock Sioux and allied indigenous tribes throughout the country have been actively but peacefully resisting construction of the pipeline, which would threaten the safety and sanctity of their sacred tribal lands. More recently, activists across …
Connect The Dots – Report on Standing Rock – 10.18.16
Listen to Rachel Marco-Havens who works with Earth Guardians about the mounting nationwide resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline #NoDAPL and her recent stay at Standing Rock in conversation with Alison Rose Levy.
This Can’t Be Happening – 09.28.16
Native News Online publisher and editor Levi Rickert reports on developments in the Indigenous community, in particular a meeting in Washington of reps from the 500 Indian Tribes and Nations with government officials to hammer out how to comply with President Obama’s executive order requiring “substantive” talks with Native Peoples’ before any actions by government bodies that impact indian lives and lands. He also updates listeners on developments at Standing Rock, ND, where, ignored by most of the corporate media, the Lakota and their supporters are standing firm against plans for the Dakota Access oil pipeline to cross indian land and sacred sites, threatening the tribe and also environmental disaster. Host Dave LIndorff also discusses the ongoing slaughter of innocents by America’s increasingly violent and militarized police.
This Can’t Be Happening – 09.21.16
Levi Rickert, editor of Native News Online, a national publication about indigenous peoples of North America, talks about what he calls the most significant political action by Native Americans since the 1973 Wounded Knee occupation on the Pine Ridge reservation. He tells how activists from over 200 Indian tribes as well as representatives of indigenous peoples from around the world have converged at Standing Rock in North Dakota to help the local embattled Standing Rock Sioux People defend their land and water against despoilation by the Army Corps of Engineers, which is trying to construct a pipeline across Sioux lands to carry Bakkan Field crude oil to St. Louis.
Arun Gupta – The West Coast Is the World’s 5th Largest Economy. Can it Unite to Stop Big Oil?
Rex Parris, the three-term Republican mayor of Lancaster, California, is no squishy liberal. “I believe when you walk out the door of your home, you should be safe. I think capitalism is the best economic system we have available, and the United States should have the strongest military in the world.” But when it comes to climate change, Parris calls …
Oil Prices Slide so Far Some Crude Is Now Worth Literally Less than Nothing
From a glut in the U.S. supply to fears concerning what will happen now that sanctions on Iran have been lifted, the market for oil is tanking considerably — so much so that one supplier of crude in North Dakota finds itself in the odd positionof paying people to take its product. North Dakota Sour, a high-sulfur crude that’s more …
Peak Meaninglessness
Last week’s discussion of externalities—costs of doing business that get dumped onto the economy, the community, or the environment, so that those doing the dumping can make a bigger profit—is, I’m glad to say, not the first time this issue has been raised recently. The long silence that closed around such things three decades ago is finally cracking; they’re being mentioned …
Constitution Pipeline: ‘The Keystone Pipeline of Natural Gas’
“This Constitution pipeline is about enriching a few billionaires by impoverishing the people of New York State,” Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. told Ed Schultz on MSNBC’s The Ed Show. “And the bullying that we’ve seen go along with this, the corruption—FERC is really a rogue agency, it’s a classic captive agency, it issued this permit illegally.” A popular movement is building against the …
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