Clearing The Fog – The TPP is What Plutocracy Looks Like – 06.07.16

As President Obama completes his final term in office, his administration is working closely with Big Business and Big Finance to sneak the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) through Congress during the lame duck session after the November election. The TPP is an international agreement that was negotiated in secret with the help of hundreds of corporate advisers. If ratified, it will rig the political system even more to benefit multinational corporations at the expense of our sovereignty and our ability to protect our communities and the planet. Bill Waren of Friends of the Earth will join us to discuss the close ties between the financial industry and the office of the US Trade Representative and why it is critical that we stop the TPP. Gillian Locascio of the Washington Fair Trade Coalition will speak with us about how people are organizing to stop the TPP.

Energy Stew – Nicholas E. Brink – 05.20.16

Save the planet through trance journeys?

Perhaps trance journeys that bring us into intimate contact with Earth intelligence can awaken us to our profound connection with it. Nicholas E. Brink has authored a number of important books about trance journeying. His new book Trance Journeys of the Hunter-Gatherers, Ecstatic Practices to Reconnect with the Great Mother and Heal the Earth focuses on advanced methods to journey to many different intelligences that populate our planet such as the animal and vegetable kingdoms. These are shamanic journeys using different postures that result in different experiences. In these journeys, we become more at one with the different kingdoms we travel through.

Tune in to learn more about this fascinating way to reconnect with the Earth Mother.

Randy Hayes: 9 Planetary Boundaries to Ensure a Healthy Planet

Harvey Wasserman | Randy Hayes is a great green lifer. Decades ago he founded the Rainforest Action Network, still one of the major players in the save-the-Earth infrastructure. Now he runs Foundation Earth. Never one to comprise, Randy has gone beyond his fair share of assorted jail stints and come out more dedicated than ever. “We need to double the world’s …