The killing machine has become spectacularized, endlessly looped through the mainstream cultural apparatuses both as a way to increase ratings and as an unconscious testimony…
Vietnam War veteran and ThisCantBeHappening! collective members John Grant and show host Dave Lindorff talk about their two latest articles on, John's on the…
One year ago today, the White House released The Final Report of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing — 116 pages of recommendations meant to address…
Fascism doesn’t often sweep in overnight and take over some hapless nation’s government; rather, it gradually seeps into the cultural fabric — as is quietly…
Billed as a major populist economic address, Hillary Clinton recently put forth her jobs program in Michigan. Wall Street is smiling. Her program fits perfectly…
Ellen Kamhi, PhD RN, Julia Schopick is a best-selling author of the book, HONEST MEDICINE: Effective, Time-Tested, Inexpensive Treatments for Life-Threatening Diseases. Through her…
Dr. Martin Luther king Jr. Refutes Obama’s State of the Union Address Leid Stories commemorates Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day with a prescient speech…
Arguably, vaccines are anything but vegan or “animal friendly” in case people were wondering. Science as a whole somehow maintains carte blanche when it comes…