Welcome to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, along with my co-host Nellie Bailey. Coming up: Donald Trump’s election has sparked dramatic growth in recruitment for left-wing political organizations, including the Workers World Party, which held its national conference in Newark, New Jersey. The Democratic Party and U.S. …
TPP: How Obama Traded Away His Legacy
Donald Trump is preparing to wipe President Barack Obama’s legacy from existence. The Affordable Care Act, Dodd-Frank and protections for the environment and immigrants all are set to disappear in no part small part thanks to President Obama himself and his relentless advocacy for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) right through Election Day. And President Obama still won’t face the sorry …
Eric Zuesse – Who Is The More Vicious Liar: Trump, or Obama?
There was a drastic refocus by U.S. President Barack Obama away from being anti-jihadist and toward being anti-Russian, after his first Presidential term ended and as soon as his second Presidential term began; but the signs that Obama presented during his re-election campaign in 2012 were in exactly the opposite direction — that he was going to reduce, not increase, …
Anis Shivani – Clinton Policies Have Hurt Women
“I strongly argued that we had to change the [welfare] system…I didn’t think it was fair that one single mother improvised to find child care and got up early every day to get to work while another stayed home and relied on welfare…The third bill passed by Congress cut off most benefits to legal immigrants, imposed a five-year lifetime limit …
Donald Trump is a fraud: Report confirms the billionaire’s presidential bid is a long and calculated con job
Everything Trump has done during the campaign is designed to dupe the media into funding his marketing strategy SEAN ILLING Donald Trump’s presidential campaign feels whimsical, like a practical joke or publicity tour gone awry. But it turns out the Donald is running a long con. A newreport in Politico suggests Trump has been plotting this stunt for years, and he …
Juan Cole – Abortion Clinics, White Christian Terrorism and GOP Candidates
Americans are more at risk from violence by armed white Christian fanatics than they ever were from Muslims. Abortion clinics have been targeted for violence by fundamentalist Christians of a violent bent for decades. In 2009, Dr. George Tiller was relentlessly shot to death by Scott Roeder, who insisted that the good doctor was satanic because he performed abortions. Dr. …
The Spirit of Judy Miller is Alive and Well at the NYT, and It Does Great Damage – Glenn Greenwald
One of the very few Iraq War advocates to pay any price at all was former New York Times reporter Judy Miller, the classic scapegoat. But what was her defining sin? She granted anonymity to government officials and then uncritically laundered their dubious claims in the New York Times. As the paper’s own editors put it in their 2004 mea culpa about the role they played in selling the …
75 Ways Socialism Has Improved America
Socialism. There is nothing more feared and hated in America. The word alone sends shivers down the spine of the American people. Those three syllables conger up images of Big Brother Government ruling over us all, telling us what to eat, wear, buy, and think. Our children in national uniform being indoctrinated with propaganda in government education camps that use …