The End of the American Century

I have a bone to pick with the Washington Post. A few days back, as some of my readers may be aware, it published a list of some two hundred blogs that it claimed were circulating Russian propaganda, and I was disappointed to find that The Archdruid Report didn’t make the cut. Oh, granted, I don’t wait each week for …

Project Censored – 10.11.16

In the first half-hour, author and professor Carol Anderson
rejoins the Project Censored Show to discuss structural racism in the US,
especially in the context of the presidential campaign.
In the second half of the program, human-rights activists Hector Aristizabal and
Isabel Garcia speak about conditions on the US-Mexico border, and how multiple
US administrations have enforced border policies that bring death to many immigrants.
They also discuss the Border Convergence taking place October 7 – 10.