SuperStorm Sandy Revisited : Today Leslie Cagan, coordinator of the Peoples Climate Movement NY and who brought 400,000 people into the streets demanding action on the global climate crisis as co-coordinator of the Sept. 21, 2014 People’s Climate March, will speak about environment, resilience, and upcoming actions in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right click and …
Bill McKibben – Global Warming’s Terrifying New Chemistry
Global warming is, in the end, not about the noisy political battles here on the planet’s surface. It actually happens in constant, silent interactions in the atmosphere, where the molecular structure of certain gases traps heat that would otherwise radiate back out to space. If you get the chemistry wrong, it doesn’t matter how many landmark climate agreements you sign …
Dahr Jamail – GOP Candidates Receive Failing Grades on Climate as 2015 Smashes Global Temperature Records
The recently concluded COP21 climate conference in Paris was hailed by much of the mainstream media as a success. Nevertheless, the reality of what the talks produced immediately came under fire from critics, as well as from many people who were directly involved in the talks. The crux of those criticisms is this: The countries’ pledges to cut greenhouse gas …
Renewable energy redoubles its global reach By Alex Kirby
As the world economy and energy use both grew in 2014, renewables continued their rapid rise− but carbon emissions did not. LONDON, 27 June, 2015 − A significant threshold has been crossed by renewable energy as analysts report that the sectorʼs size last year reached double the level it was at just 10 years earlier. This expansion happened in a year when the global economy and energy …
With 2°C Target Falling Swiftly Out of Sight, Inaction on Climate a ‘Crime Against Humanity’ – Jon Queally
International climate talks continue, but its is the action (or lack thereof) that humanity needs to worry about. “By ignoring the need to prevent a breach of the 2C tipping point, the point beyond which scientists are unable to predict the sheer scale of [climate] impacts… Paris will go down in infamy as the scene of a modern day crime against humanity.” — Asad Rehman, Friends of …
Evolving to cope with climate change
Over the next two centuries, climate change is likely to impact everything from industrial agriculture to the shape of our coastlines. The changing climate will certainly cause huge changes around the world, and the challenge is to predict exactly what impact those changes will have. In the world of marine science, this means grappling with a process called ocean acidification. …