“One Ring to rule them all . . . and in the darkness bind them.” — J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings World War II resulted in Europe being conquered, not by Berlin but by Washington. The conquest was certain but not all at once. Washington’s conquest of Europe resulted from the Marshall Plan, from fears of Stalin’s Red Army that …
George Monbiot – Roots in the Rubble
Let’s sack the electorate and appoint a new one: this is the demand made by MPs, lawyersand the four million people who have signed the petition calling for a second referendum. It’s a cry of pain, and therefore understandable, but it’s also bad politics and bad democracy. Reduced to its essence, it amounts to graduates telling non-graduates “we reject your democratic choice”. Were …
Brian Chappatta – The $100 Trillion Bond Market’s Got Bigger Concerns Than Brexit
In some ways, it really didn’t matter to Steven Major whether the U.K. voted to stay or to leave. Sure, as a Brit, Major followed the U.K.’s surprising decision to break with the European Union. And, of course, the 51-year-old Londoner voted (though he politely declined to say whether he was in the “Remain” or “Leave” camp). But when it comes …
Paul Craig Roberts – The Public Is Being Looted By Privatization And Deregulation
The privatization movement and the deregulation movement have turned out to be failures. Privatization in Britain under the Thatcher government had its origin in the belief that the absence of incentivized managers and shareholders with a stake in the bottom line resulted in nationalized companies operating inefficiently, with their losses covered by government like the big private banks’ losses today. …
Jack Rasmus – Today’s Global Financial Faultlines
In the past year the stock markets in China erupted, contracting by nearly 50% in just three months, after having risen in the preceding year by 130%–truly a ‘bubble event’. That collapse, commencing in June 2015, continues despite efforts to stabilize it. Chinese bankers then injected directly $400 billion to stem the decline. Including other government and private sources, estimates …
Peter Symonds – Weakening currency and economic slowdown in China
Amid a continuing weakening of the Chinese currency, the People’s Bank of China (PoBC) has signalled new moves that could accelerate the slide in the renminbi’s value and trigger a currency war among export-dependent countries in Asia and internationally. Last Friday, as the renminbi hit its weakest level against the US dollar in more than four years, the PoBC announced …