The super-wealthy keep getting richer and, while they are human beings, they just don’t seem to care how many people die or go hungry while billionaires party on. That’s the only conclusion you can come to after reading a new stunning report about global wealth and inequality out from Oxfam–and I delve into the report with Oxfam’s Paul O’Brien. I also chat …
The Gary Null Show – 06.12.17
Today is June 12th and like always The Gary Null Show is here to inform you on the best news in health, healing, the environment and all things political around the world. In this episode Gary sets aside time to play some of his documentary Poverty Inc. Download this episode (right click and save) Gary has a new …
Economic Update – Economic failures and the blame game – 06.04.17
Updates on big banks fix rates, IRS checks on churches, CEOs’ pay rises fastest to worsen US inequality. Major discussions: blaming the poor for poverty and over-crediting the super rich; how superrich oil countries and companies control modern economies; and how Trump’s attacks on Germany are more “fake news”.” Download this episode (right click and save)
Drake Baer – What Happens When You Give Free Money to Poor People
Finland, the country that gave the world the sauna, is now experimenting with another act of radical generosity. On January 1, it became the first European country to give unemployed citizens a “basic income” — a no-strings-attached monthly payment meant to cover the basic costs of living. The Guardian reports that it will be a two-year trial of 2,000 Finns …
Paul Buchheit – How a disappearing and deluded middle class awaits the new president
Disturbing truths about the wealth gap in America have surfaced in recent months. Our nation is breaking in two. Yet downtrodden Americans are hoping for a fairy-tale ending to their misery, instead of demanding the progressive measures that would empower them. Collapse of the Middle Class For every $100 owned by a middle-class household in 2001, that household had just …
The number of people on food stamps is plummeting at the fastest rate ever after the government made a key change
Fewer and fewer Americans are on food stamps, and the decline is only getting faster. According to Paul Trussell, an analyst at Deutsche Bank, the number of people utilizing the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP, in June 2016 was down 4.7% from the same month a year before, and the number of households using SNAP was down 5.2% year-over-year. …
Graham Vanbergen – Shadow Banking verses Global Hunger
Banking Verses Humanity – FactVILE Fact: Nearly 1/2 of the world’s population — more than 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 a day. More than 1.3 billion live in extreme poverty — less than $1.25 a day. VILE – Seven years after the global financial collapse, regulators and investors are still working through an epic pile of lawsuits and other …
CESAR CHELALA – The Critical Link Between Poverty and Health
Concern for the health of the poor is one of the critical issues in development. Poverty cannot be defined solely in terms of low or no income. Lack of access to health services, safe water, adequate nutrition, and education are also essential components of poverty. Poverty and health are closely linked. Poverty is one of the most influential factors in …
Neil Swidey – The college debt crisis is even worse than you think
IT’S ONE OF THE MOST enduring selling points for the value of higher education: The best route out of poverty is through the college quad. Spend four years in college, and all that book learning, mind opening, and network expanding will help even the lowest-income student jump up several rungs on the economic ladder. Nowhere is that message preached as …
The Gary Null Show – 05.25.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, these great topics are covered and Gary talks to a great guest, Charles Glass. Listen and read please.
Primary prevention of colorectal cancer
Exercise: Future anticancer therapy?
Poverty marks a gene, predicting depression
Bright light during meals affects metabolism, lowers effect of insulin
Gary takes a quick music break for this jam: Teddy Pendergrass – I Don’t Love You Anymore
What happens when water for 30 million people disappears?
Gary then goes to his wonderful guest Charles Glass. Here is his bio:
Charles Glass is an American-British journalist and broadcaster who is highly respected internationally for his investigative reporting from the Middle East. For a decade starting in 1983, he was ABC’s chief Middle East correspondent and worked with CNN and ABC as well. His articles appear in the Guardian, Time, The Telegraph, Harpers Newsweek and other publications. in 1987, while reporting from Lebanon Charles was kidnapped and held hostage by Shi’a militants for over 2 months. He broke the story of Saddam Hussain possessing biological weapons a year later. His covert reporting in East Timor in 1992 resulted in the US Senate suspending military aid to Indonesia. And he has reported from Lebanon, Syria, and Iraq on many occasions. Charles is the author of seven books, his most recent being a very concise history and background into the Syrian crisis entitled “Syria Burning: A Short History of a Catastrophe.” His website is
VIDEO: We asked Edward Snowden if online privacy has improved since his massive NSA leak
Edward Snowden calls ‘bullshit’ on FBI’s claim that it can’t unlock iPhone
VIDEO: Robert Reich: Why “Right to Work” is Wrong for Workers – Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich explains the truth behind so-called “Right to Work” laws and how they hurt working families.
Gary takes calls about people who try to give the American people information the Government doesn’t want you to know.