Why you should thank your aging brain

If you forget a name or two, take longer to finish the crossword, or find it hard to manage two tasks at once, you’re not on the road to dementia. What you’re experiencing is your brain changing the way it works as you get older. And in many ways it’s actually working better. Studies have shown that older people have …

Does Language Influence How You See The World?

The language you are introduced to affects the structure of your brain, influences how you see the world and who you are. But what if you speak two languages? Can learning a language rewire your brain? As our species evolved parts of our brain expanded, resulting in more computing power for language. It’s what makes us hard-wired for communication. What …

Larry Schwartz – Can a Pill Make You Smarter? The Brave New World of Smart Drugs

In the 2011 movie Limitless, our loser-turned-hero Bradley Cooper takes a pill, writes a novel in a few days, becomes an investment tycoon, and performs other tricks of mental derring-do. And of course at the end of the movie (spoiler alert!), he gets the girl. If only such a pill really existed. Well, it may. Sort of. Welcome to the world …

John Atcheson – The Oligarchy is Using Our Lizard Brain to Enable a Silent Coup

Once again, the fear machine is going into full force as the Presidential primary campaign heats up. If there’s one thing the politicians in general and Republicans in particular don’t want, it’s people going to the polls with their wits about them. They need people to think and vote with their limbic lizard brains, not their prefrontal cortex. And nothing …

Understanding the Difference Between Emotions and Feelings – and Why It Matters – Debbie Hampton

Although feelings and emotions are two sides of the same coin, they are very distinct events and understanding the difference can help you increase your emotional intelligence and happiness. Emotions originate in the subcortical regions of the brain, the amygdala and the ventromedial prefrontal cortices, and create biochemical reactions in the body altering your physical state which originally helped our species …