Liberal incredulity at Charles Koch’s (Koch Bros.) recent (soft) endorsement of Hillary Clinton — assertions that is was either a non-sequitur or a ploy to discredit her,…
Prominent neocon Robert Kagan has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president, saying she represents the best hope for saving the United States from populist billionaire…
When we think of national security, we think of tanks, jets, missile defense systems and more recently, information space. But what about the realm of…
Perhaps the story can begin with the way an "aide to [President] George W. Bush [apparently Karl Rove] spoke dismissively of "the reality-based community." Rove,…
Considering the damage that the neocons have already done, surely no good can come from the policy recommendations of John Bolton and his clique. John…
Oh, no! Not another American war against evil! This time, it’s the Islamic State (IS). After the attacks in Paris, Barack Obama, spokesman-in-chief for the…
Terror, Terrorism, Terrorists: The State and Race-Based Psychological Warfare Election 2016: Six 'Debates' and What Do We Know About What Really Matters? It is indisputable,…