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The Gary Null Show – 02.24.16 – Special 1 Hour and 40 Minute Show Today
A look at the medical evidence behind the assassination of President John F Kennedy.
1. William Matson Law has been researching the assassination of John F Kennedy for over 25 years. The results of his research have appeared in over 30 books, including Douglas Horne’s magnum opus Inside the Assassination Records Review Board. Law is the producer of the award-winning documentary RFK, writer, director/producer of the film The Gathering, served as consultant to director Brian McKenna for his theatrical film, Killing Kennedy, and worked extensively with bestselling author Matthew Smith’s upcoming book about the death of Marilyn Monroe, MARILYN: Murder by Political Entanglement Or How Murder became Suicide in the Three Missing Hours. His most recent book is “In the Eye of History: Disclosures in the JFK Assassination Medical Evidence” which includes extensive, in depth research and interviews with those present with JFK’s body during those several days before the funeral.
2. James (Jim) Jenkins was in the military at the time of the of the JFK assassination and participated throughout the Kennedy’s autopsy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital as an autopsy technician. Following his service Jim received degrees in clinical pathology and combined clinical sciences.
3. Hugh Clark was a member of the naval honor guard that escorted President Kennedy’s body to Arlington Cemetery for burial. He has also served as an investigator for the United Nations and has served as a director of alcohol and substance abuse residences until his retirement in 2008.