Nichole Mormann – As Climate Change Decimates Crops, 500,000 People Will Die Annually by 2050

With global temperatures rising, researchers predict there will be fewer healthy fruits and veggies to go around. It’s an age-old scenario at the family dinner table: parents or caregivers nagging kids to eat their vegetables. But while some children need a little prodding to eat their peas or brussels sprouts, according to new research published Thursday in the medical journalThe …

Lewis Mehl-Madrona – The difficulty of practicing narrative medicine

Recently I received an email from a woman who spent a month in my family medicine office in 1985 as a medical student. She told me a story. She asked if I remembered a couple who were having twins then. They were in their twenties and healthy. She reminded me about how I had done hypnosis with the woman to …

Why Are We Still Asking if a Dying Woman Should Be Able to Get an Abortion to Save Her Life? – Jennifer Dalven

A recent analysis of abortion attitudes byThe New York Times came to the right conclusion: The divide on how Americans feel about abortion is much smaller than partisan politics would have us believe. But there’s a bigger idea that the piece in the Times — and the poll it relies on — missed: All too often, we’re still asking the wrong …

New Study: Goats Who Eat Monsanto GM Soy Produce Abnormal Milk – Christina Sarich

Monsanto likes to say (with the FDA’s help) that their Round Up Ready GM soy is substantially equivalent to its non-GM counterparts. But a new study proves that GM-fed goat milk is completely abnormal – is human milk next? Is it any wonder that the US has such a high infant mortality rate compared to other ‘civilized’ nations? (Ours is more than twice the …

The rise of Big Breast Milk: A boon for healthy babies or exploitative of low-income mothers?

I witnessed the power of breast milk — as a magic health elixir and apparent social lubricant — earlier this month when my friend, while playing with her young son, was approached by a stranger and asked if she was breast-feeding. It went something like this: “Hey, this is a crazy question, but are you breastfeeding?” “I am.” “Can I …