Leid Stories – Election 2016: Ahead of Primary, All Presidential Candidates Are In A New York Frame of Mind – 04.14.16

Going into the high-stakes, delegate-rich April 19 New York primary, presidential hopefuls are leaving nothing to chance. They’re all over the Empire State, working their circuits and trolling for votes. A hurriedly arranged CNN “debate” between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders tonight in Brooklyn is trumping (pardon the pun) all other events the Democratic candidates have scheduled. On the Republican side, Donald Trump is making the most of his hometown brand.

Leid Stories discusses the importance of the New York primary, especially to those who reject duopoly politics.

Political Analysis – Progressives Debate Bernie Sanders’ Democratic Primary Run and a Critical Look at Freelancing – 05.14.15

The May 14 edition of “Political Analysis” on The Progressive Radio Network featured a debate between a proponent of U.S. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) run for president as part of the Democratic Party primary vs. Hillary Clinton (among others) and a critic of it. It also featured a critical look at the political-economy of freelancing.

On the first half of the show, Carl Gibson, author of an Al Jazeera America article in favor of a Sanders Democratic Party primary run went toe-to-toe with Ashley Smith, author of an article appearing online in Jacobin Magazine critical of such a run.

The second half of the show featured Sarah Grey, author of the recent piece published online by Jacobin titled, “Four Myths About the ‘Freelancer Class.’”