Meria Heller – Conversations with David – 07.23.17

Conversations with David. Meria and David Icke. So called progressives are actually tyrannical; liberals;political correctness and “new speak” (Orwell); divide and rule; labels dividing us further;group think is group judgement; inversions everywhere;Macron/Schumer silencing criticism of Israel;paranoia/fear and self censorship; Tony Blair, Justin Trudeau;identity politics; the arrogance of ignorance; mass mind control; the loss of self awareness; the isolation of social media (another inversion); …

Alexandra Kotowski – Canada’s Feminist Prime Minister, One Year In

One year ago, Justin Trudeau took office as Canada’s 23rd prime minister and promptly fulfilled a major campaign promise by appointing a diverse and gender balanced cabinet that “looks like Canada.” When a reporter asked why appointing women was a priority, Trudeau shrugged and responded with his now-famous quip, “because it’s 2015.” Trudeau isn’t afraid to identify as a feminist …

Lauren McCauley – As CETA Rises from Ashes, Campaigners Vow: ‘The More You Insist, the More We Resist’

The controversial Canada-European Union trade agreement that many declared “dead” now appears to be rising from the ashes, as officials announced Thursday that they have reached a last-minute consensus. Earlier this week, trade delegates from the Belgian region of Wallonia rejected the Comprehensive Economic & Trade Agreement (CETA) out of concern that certain provisions, particularly the Investor State Dispute Settlement …

Katie Halper – Hillary Clinton Does Not Represent All Women—and Makes Some Feel Powerless

Hillary Clinton is the first woman ever to get the presidential nomination from a major political party in the history of the United States. This is, of course, a historic, and long overdue, moment. For many feminists, the nomination is a pretty straightforward, unambiguous victory for women and cause for celebration. For others, however, it’s complicated. Of course, no feminist …

Prof Rodrigue Tremblay – The New Immoral Age: How Technology Offers New Ways of Killing People and of Destroying the World

“It turns out … that I’m really good at killing people.” President Barack Obama (1961- ), (as reported in Reed Peeples, ‘A President and his Drones’, June 29, 2016, —a review of the book ‘Objective Troy: A Terrorist, a President, and the Rise of the Drone’, S. Shane, 2015) We hold that what one man cannot morally do, a million men cannot morally do, and …

Terri LaPoint – Non-Vaccinating Parents Found Guilty After Child Died – Exonerating Evidence Ignored

Canadian parents David and Collet Stephan were found guilty this week of “failing to provide the necessaries of life” for their 18 month old unvaccinated son. The verdict stunned the couple and supporters alike, especially after there was expert testimony and evidence presented during the trial that showed that the child would most likely be alive today were it not …

Visualizing The Energy & Mineral Riches Of The Arctic

The Arctic has been the fascination of many people for centuries. Hundreds of years ago, the Europeans saw the Arctic’s frigid waters as a potential gateway to the Pacific. The region has also been home to many unique native cultures such as the Inuits and Chukchi. Lastly, it goes without saying that the Arctic is unsurpassed in many aspects of …