America’s criminal justice system has, in many ways, become a substitute for the US’s largely gutted mental health system. You may have heard something like that before, but never has it been clearer than in this map from MetricMaps: The map essentially tells two stories: the rise of mass incarceration and the collapse of America’s public mental health system. From the 1970s through …
A Just Cause – Unequal Justice in America – 02.07.16
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks talks to Jasmine Lima-Marin and Attorney Patrick Megaro, who are currently fighting for the release of Rene Lima-Marin. Rene was released mistakenly on a clerical error and after error was discovered, he was sent back to prison to serve out a life sentence for robbery.
Chris Hedges – Pity the Children
Larry—not his real name—is 38. He is serving a 30-year sentence for murder in a New Jersey prison. He will not be eligible for parole until 2032, when he will be 55. His impoverished and nightmarish childhood mirrors that of nearly all prisoners I have worked with who were convicted of violent crimes. And as governmental austerity and chronic poverty …
Most Oppressive Forced Vaccination Bill Introduced in any State Moving Fast in Virginia
“If the state can tag, track down and force individuals to be injected with biologicals of known and unknown toxicity today, then there will be no limit on which individual freedoms the state can take away in the name of the greater good tomorrow.” – Barbara Loe Fisher Breaking News: A public hearing on this bill (HB1342) has been just …
Infectious Myth – Canada’s Indigenous Genocide with James Daschuk – 01.05.16
In Episode 84 David discusses the genocide of indigenous people in Canada with James Daschuk, an associate professor in the faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies at the University of Regina in Saskatchewan, Canada. Despite Canada’s reputation as a polite and kind society, its treatment of its native population is as shocking as in other colonizing nations. Recently Canada has completed an investigation into its residential schools, which were used to destroy native culture under the guise of providing a standard education, and that resulted in physical and sexual abuse, opportunities for biomedical experimentation, and even starvation. This led to the destruction of native families and a continuing cycle of dysfunctional families, alcoholism, drug abuse and imprisonment. Canada is also about to start an investigation into the shocking number of women, mostly indigenous, mostly poor, often drug addicts or sex workers, who disappeared without authorities bothering to search for them. The most notorious of these was the case of Robert Pickton (, who confessed to killing 49 women in the Vancouver area. Finally, David and James delve into the history of the colonization of the prairies, the broken treaties, and the Indian Act that relegated natives to a child-like legal status, that James describes as apartheid.
You can find out more by reading Daschuk’s 2013 book “Clearing the Plains” that was a surprise bestseller in Canada and has won several awards:
Another surprise bestseller is the book of recollections of an elderly Cree man about growing up in a residential school, recommended by Daschuk:
An article on biomedical experiments in the 1940s and 1950s that took advantage of the under-nourishment at residential schools, and even prolonged it, can be found at:
Sanders Blasts US Mass Incarceration as ‘International Embarrassment
In a speech that included an overt jab at embattled Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel on Wednesday, Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders decried the U.S. incarceration rate as an “international embarrassment” and said he considers “reforming our broken criminal justice system one of the most important things that a president of the United States can do.” During his quick stop on Chicago’s west side, Sanders outlined …
Trends This Week – Trends and Consequences in all this War Talk – 12.16.15
Global forecaster Gerald Celente is mad as hell. The last segment of the Presidential Reality Show in 2016, the CNN debate with GOP hopefuls on December 15, was a cesspool of senseless war mongering. Not a peep for peace. Not a hint of talk about what created this cycle of endless war; only how to increase the death count and improve the precision in which the United States and its coalition of the willing fan the flames of the War on Terror. No one is looking back at the steps taken by the gutless, mindless leaders who launched this war in the first place. Instead, cloaked in crowd-rousing bravado, the Presidential Reality Show contestants promise to take the same path. Elsewhere in this show, Celente provides more details about his exciting “Prepare for 2016” retreat in Naples, Florida with Gary Null, and offers insights into the Fed’s pending interest rate hike.
Exclusive: US Neo-Nazi Leader Says Donald Trump ‘the Real Deal’
Donald Trump, the billionaire businessman and reality TV star who has called Mexicans rapists and proposed barring Muslims from entering the United States, is currently leading every national poll for the Republican Party’s presidential nomination — and he has done more in a matter of months to advance and mainstream the ideas of neo-Nazis than self-proclaimed neo-Nazis have been able …
Derrick Broze – Bombshell: Documents Show Witness Lied to Get Chevron out of Billions in Fines
A witness who was instrumental in overturning a $9.5 billion (USD) environmental fine levied against Chevron in Ecuador has admitted to lying, according to newly released transcripts. Nearly two years ago, Alberto Guerra testified in a New York federal court that he bribed judge Nicolas Zambrano to write the multibillion dollar judgement against Chevron for oil damage in the Amazon …
A Just Cause – Abuse & Corruption within the Bureau of Prisons – 10.04.15
The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks speak with our guest Bernard B. Kerik, former Police Commissioner of the City of New York. Mr. Kerik has a unique and one-of-a kind perspective into the U.S. criminal justice and prison systems, prompting him to become an advocate for criminal justice and prison reform in America.