Dr. Eugene Zampieron, ND, AHG, www.drznaturally.com, interviews Dr. Michael S. Horney. Michael S. Horney , D.C., D.A.B.C.O., has been practicing Chiropractic for 35 years. Dr. Horney is also certified in Clinical Hypnosis, Personal Training & two Weight loss & Nutrition Programs. He has lectured to local groups as well as to various Chiropractic Colleges. Dr. Horney is affiliated with Mather Hospitals Chiropractic Collaboration Program and St. Charles Hospital Orthopedic & Physical Therapy Group. He is a professional member of the American Chiropractic Association, N. Y. S. Chiropractic Association & American Board of Hypnotherapy. Dr. Horney’s vision goes beyond treating pain. It’s all about educating and motivating people of all ages to learn healthy life style habits, to respect the body’s natural ability to heal and to help people lead a more productive and fulfilling life. Dr. Horney can be reached by phone at 631-751-7700 and by email michaelshorney@aol.com You can learn more about Dr. Horney by visiting his website www.PortJeffersonChiropractic.com
Ask Beatty – 07.25.16
Single and looking for love? Beatty talked about what you need to need to DO to prepare for your potential love journey. She also talked about Roger Aile’s forced departure from FOX, Gretchen Carlson’s courage in going public about how Mr. Aile sexually harassed her for years and what women need to do to protect themselves from sexual harassment in the workplace.
Leid Stories – D-Day As Democratic Convention Opens; WWBD? – 07.25.16
Well, it’s D-Day—as in opening day of the four-day Democratic Party’s national convention in Philadelpia—and the question is: What Will Bernie Do?
Thousands who’d felt the Bern during the voter-fraud-plagued primaries are descending on the City of Brotherly Love, not feeling too brotherly (or sisterly) toward the ex-presidential contender right now, and downright disgusted with the Democratic Party and its soon-to-be nominee, Hillary Clinton. They hope to persuade Sanders to stay the course with the “revolution” they started together, outside of what they believe is a corrupt party and rigged political process. Dare they keep hope alive?
A Wikileaks dump over the weekend of 20,000 Democratic National Party officials’ emails showed the party’s efforts to sabotage Sanders’ campaign. It caused DNC leader Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s abrupt resignation and has emboldened Sanderistas in their quest for a WWBD showdown. It won’t be pretty.
In his prime-time speech tonight will Bernie once again tout “party unity,” as he did when he capitulated to Clinton and endorsed her two weeks ago? Will he once again sell the “logic” of coming into the Democratic fold to “expand” the party’s mission and vision? Will he claim that the most important thing to do right now is defeat Donald Trump? Leid Stories says the answer is, yes. And yes. And yes.
Black Agenda Radio – 7.25.16
This is Black Agenda Radio, the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. Your hosts are Glen Ford and Nellie Bailey, here they are with a weekly hour of African American political thought and action.
– Black activists took the fight against police terror to the cops’ doorstep, last week. Black Youth Project 100 and Black Lives Matter DC occupied the grounds of the Fraternal Order of Police union headquarters, in Washington. At about the same time, BYP100, Black Lives Matter and the Million Hoodies Movement for Justice staged a sit-in at the New York City offices of another police union, the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association. Samantha Masters is a spokesperson for the activists in the nation’s capital.
– There’s been yet another acquittal in Baltimore of a police officer in the death of Freddie Gray. We spoke with Jill Carter, a member of the Maryland state legislature, who’s also a defense attorney who hails from an activist, civil rights family. Carter says, given that cops are so seldom charged with crimes against Black civilians, and hardly ever convicted, lots of folks were not surprised that it looks like no one will pay for the fatal injuries to Freddie Gray’s spine while in police custody.
– What does the rise of Donald Trump say about the United States? The nation’s best known political prisoner, Mumia Abu Jamal, files this report on The Trump Triumph.
– The grassroots rebellion in both the Democratic and Republican parties may bode well for the growth prospects of the Green Party and Jill Stein, their anticipated presidential candidate. Dr. Margaret Flowers is an honorary co-chair of the Green’s national convention, coming up in August, and one of the authors of a series of open letters the Greens have sent to various political constituencies, urging them to break with the two-party, duopoly system.
– Bruce Carter used to be an organizer with Black Men for Bernie, before Sanders capitulated to Hillary Clinton. Carter says he’s through with the Democrats, but he will be in Philadelphia this week when Clinton accepts her presidential nomination.
– The Olympic Games kick off next month in Rio De Janeiro, but Brazil is in political turmoil. The impeachment trial of the country’s elected President, Dilma Rousseff, of the Workers Party, is set to begin in mid-August. The corporate media in Brazil and the United States act as if Rousseff’s removal is a done deal. However, a federal prosecutor has ruled that the charges against Rousseff do not constitute a crime, and it is believed that there may be a large enough bloc in the Brazilian Senate to prevent her ouster. Maria Luisa Mendonca is director of Brazil’s Network for Social Justice and Human Rights and a professor of international relations at the University of Rio De Jenairo, which has been closed down since the so-called “soft coup”
Visit the BlackAgendaReport.com, where you’ll find a new and provocative issue, each Wednesday
Expat Files – 07.24.16
Descriptions for THE ExPat Files Show #579
#1 Did you know experts claim the first (or second) most beautiful lake in the world is in Central America? However, only about 1 in 10000 Americans have ever even seen or heard of it. Today we’ll go there and check it out..
#2- No OSHA’s or EPA’s exist in Latin America. Though Latin Governments have lazy, blundering, useless staffs that may give lip service to those first world concepts, in reality they are beyond toothless. In many ways that can be a good thing. But then what happens when Gringos and Expats spot obvious health and safety violations up front and personal? Today we have another true story that will make you both laugh and cringe.
#3- Indigenous people are 99% Christian but they practice it with a strange twist. Today we’ll visit the drinking, smoking, gambling, womanizing bad boy saint, Maximon. He’s the undisputed patron of misdeeds, bad habits and poor lifestyle choices… and you’ll soon find out why.
#4-A few words about Air BnB’s in Latin America and the future of the hospitality business
#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to: theexpatfiles@gmail.com
#6- Johnny’s next “Latin Insider, Plan ‘B’ Seminar” will be in early January, 2017 . If you want to get on the Earlybird Discount list send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com
Alternative Visions – Trump’s Speech: Pandering to Working Class Discontent – 07.22.16
Jack examines in detail Trump’s acceptance speech and its non-traditional Republican themes criticizing Free Trade, US national debt, NAFTA, China, offshoring, taxes, military spending-NATO, and related topics. Trade issues are paramount but represent pandering to working class discontent over the loss of jobs, wage income decline, and chronic US economic insecurity since 2000. Trump’s specific proposals for trade are dissected, including his claims to ‘tear up’ NAFTA, impose 35%-45% tariffs on Mexico and China, stop China currency manipulation, offshoring, anti-immigration wall, etc.—all of which represent pandering to working class discontent. Trumponomics = ‘Law and Order First’ economic recovery plan. How Trump is cleverly targeting disaffected working class voters in key swing states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Virginia, North Carolina, and Florida as key to an electoral victory in November. Jack predicts the election outcome will depend on who, Trump or Clinton, is able to turn in those states the white working class, un- and under-employed 20-something youth, Hispanic, and independents voting blocs in those key states. Who has the bigger base, and who (Trump or Hillary) can turn out more of that base in these key states will determine the outcome. Trump has the advantage currently in turnout, Jack concludes as Hispanics and disaffected youth may sit home during the election. Trump could win. Much will depend on the TV debates.
Leid Stories – So Much to Talk About, So Let’s Talk (Part 5) – 07.22.16
Last week ended, and this week began, with turmoil—the kind that requires time and space to talk about and make sense of. Leid Stories, therefore, is devoting the entire week to this purpose, extending the “Free Your Mind Friday” format to “Free Your Mind Week.”
The Gary Null Show – 07.22.16
On “The Gary Null Show” Gary does a quick health and healing to give more time to his guest all the way from Germany, F. William Engdahl. Enjoy and listen and take notes
Cancer Treatment
High protein diet linked to liver cancer
Inappropriate prescribing
Study: Women on blood thinners can take hormone therapy without increased risk of blood clots and bleeding
Gary takes a quick break to play: KC & The Sunshine Band – That’s The Way (I Like It)
Gary reads a nice letter from 1995. Then introduces his guest and here is a quick bio:
F. William Engdahl is an award winning geopolitical analyst, strategic risk consultant and author who specializes on the rise of the US as an international superpower. His writings deal with empire building through the roles of financial control of global banking, the food chain, medicine and bio engineering and energy, primarily oil. He holds a degree in politics from Princeton University and did graduate work in comparative economics at Stockholm University in Sweden. He has taught at Beijing University and lectured widely at business and economic institutions throughout the world including Russia, Turkey, London, Croatia and elsewhere. His articles appear in Global-research, New Eastern Outlook, Asia Times, Financial Sesnse, RT among others. William has written many important books, his latest being “The Lost Hegemon: Whom the Gods Would Destroy” which provides a history of the US intelligence’s relationship with the origins of Islamic terrorist and jihadi organizations and movements. His website is WilliamEngdahl.com
Energy Stew – Karen Frances – 07.22.16
What comes after this life? – Energy Stew interview with Karen Frances
Life after death might sound like a fantasy to some, yet many people have had contact with the dead and many have experienced an afterlife during near-death experiences.
I’m interviewing Karen Frances, a well-known medium who is able to contact the dead. People might not believe this is possible and become believers when they hear the clear information that comes through from the beyond.
I’ve also had experiences of talking with the dead and know we have access to the other side. There are many books out by and about people who have been contacted by recently departed relatives who provide information that proves who they are.
Karen and I will discuss this phenomenon and provide interesting details of our experiences.
She will also be teaching a class about the afterlife at the A.R.E. Center in New York on July 28th. Use this LINK for more information.
Expat Files – 07.22.16
Descriptions for TheExPat Files Show #578
#1- Your plan “B” involves moving your assets and 401ks to untouchable locations: here are a few tips
#2- Building/Construction and environmental impact studies: Latin countries do require them on certain large and commercial projects. So if you build, what should you expect- besides a few bribes here and there?
#3- A few harsh words about how people and businesses pollute in Latin America:
#4-Gringo business ideas can come out of the strangest places: today we have some examples
#5-Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to:theexpatfiles@gmail.com
#6- Johnny’s next “Latin Insider, Plan ‘B’ Seminar” will be in early January, 2017 . If you wish to get on the Earlybird Discount list send an email to theexpatfiles@gmail.com