A centerpiece of Trump’s campaign, that is gaining support for him among white working class voters in key swing states like Pennsylvania and Ohio, is his attack on free trade treaties from NAFTA to TPP. Today’s show examines the conditions behind the current stagnation of global trade the past 18 months, growing wage stagnation and income inequality in the US, and increasing US voters’ associating of their loss of quality jobs and declining wages with free trade. Dr. Rasmus briefly reviews policies in China, Japan, Europe, and the slowing of world trade. How US economic elites—from the Business Roundtable and others— are becoming terrified of Trump’s successful manipulation of voter discontent with free trade. The elements of Trump’s position on trade are discussed, including ‘tearing up’ treaties, imposing tariffs on Mexico and China, charges of China as currency manipulator, tax policy incentives encouraging job offshoring, and US visa policies. Jack critiques Trump’s positions and concludes that Trump—like Obama before and Hillary now—is simply pandering to the discontent and will reverse his promises on trade if elected. Pandering to the trade issue, however, may just provide Trump enough votes to win key states’ electoral majorities.
Leid Stories – Your Call. Talk About It All! – 07.15.16
Start a conversation of your own or add your two cents to someone else’s. It’s up to you. Either way, it’s all about what YOU think, and that’s what “Free Your Mind Friday,” Radioland’s best open forum, is all about.
Now is the time for all good folk to speak their minds. Call 888-874-4888 and carpe both diem and mic!
Energy Stew – Carl Calleman – 07.15.16
The Quantum Evolution of Consciousness – Energy Stew interview with Carl Calleman
How are our minds being transformed by evolution? Are we ready for the quantum shifts that need to happen in order to save our civilization? Our society is imploding because humanity doesn’t yet know how to really solve our problems. The Mayans knew this was going to be the reality of these times and predicted the new era we’ve entered into.
Carl Calleman is an expert about the Mayan Calendar and has deciphered the way the Mayans have described the evolution of our civilization. We have entered a period of “night” that we’ll be in for the next 360 or more years. The “day” we have just completed has brought us to the end of an epoch that couldn’t sustain itself. He explains what this all means in his wonderful book, “The Global Mind and the Rise of Civilization”. Listen to this interview with him and you’ll understand how we couldn’t help it.
LOA Today – 07.14.16
It’s amazing how we can run with just the simplest of topics. This week, we talk about “the details”. That’s it … just the details. Yet in the course of such a “weak” topic, we manage to quickly turn it into a discussion of our dream for building a huge national audience for our show, how people we know have dealt with tremendous adversity by not getting dragged down by the details, and how to turn the details from being your enemy into being your friend. Crazy? Like a fox! Don’t miss this one.
What Women Must Know – What You Need to Know About the Gardasil Vaccine with Norma Erickson – 07.14.16
Norma Erickson, President of SaneVax Inc., was an average citizen working as an independent business consultant and freelance author before she became aware of the number of people experiencing debilitating medical conditions after the administration of Gardasil or Cervarix. In 2010, she established SaneVax as a direct response to the worldwide devastation left in the wake of HPV vaccination programs. The SaneVax team believes no vaccine should be approved for public use without first being scientifically proven Safe, Affordable, Necessary and Effective. At no time from concept through administration have HPV vaccines met any of these common-sense criteria. Therefore, she and the SaneVax team have made it their mission to create a world where only scientifically proven SANE vaccines and vaccination practices are allowed.
All Together Now – 07.14.16
Eleanor LeCain talks about harnessing capital to create the world we want with Erika Karp, Founder & CEO of Cornerstone Capital.
Expanding Mind – Underground Wisdom – 07.14.16
Writer and biodynamic farmer Stephen Crimi talks about chthonic goddesses, Dead songs, spiritual food, and his new book Katabatic Wind: Good Craic Fueled by Fumes from the Abyss. www.logosophiabooks.com
Leid Stories – Unifier-in-Chief Obama Shines A Light on Problems Already Known – 07.14.16
President Barack Obama met for more than four hours at the White House with a diverse group of leaders yesterday—the same day he spoke at the funeral of five police officers killed by an ex-soldier in a sniper attack July 7 in Dallas. The Unifier-in-Chief said he wanted their ideas and input on how to build “trust” between police and the communities they serve, the main focus of The President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing he created by executive order in December 2014.
The task force in May last year delivered a 116-page report, with recommendations for nationwide changes in six key areas—building trust and legitimacy; policy and oversight; technology and social media; community policing and crime reduction; training and education; and officer wellness and safety. Yet, Obama continues to plead for deeper understanding of, and solutions for, the “trust problem.”
It’s not as if there’s a dearth of information about law-enforcement (and especially its problems); the task force’s report pales in comparison to books, articles and scholarly papers on the subject. Why, then, is Obama stalling on implementing his own task force’s—and other credible–recommendations?
The Gary Null Show – 07.14.16
On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary discusses health and healing as well as reading letters from a few listeners. Gary plays 4 great videos and scares a lot of people with how dumb the next generation might be, even if these videos were spoofs. Listen and learn and enjoy.
Gut bacteria imbalance increases diabetes risk
Fat cells may play key role in battle against breast cancer: York U study
Chronic stress of a bad relationship can negatively affect your health, experts warn
Shocking new role found for the immune system: Controlling social interaction
Gary tells of his times going to help prisoners in Queens and helping AIDS patients in New Jersey and had them on the road to recovery
Cash-strapped towns are un-paving roads they can’t afford to fix
Gary reads a letter from a listener named Desiree. Desiree wrote about her feelings with what her generation is doing to make the world a better place. Then John talks about his generation talking about himself but it could be about the whole generation.
VIDEO: Miss USA — Should Math Be Taught In Schools?
VIDEO: Learn to speak American!
Gary takes a break and plays this great tune: I Love The Nightlife—-Alicia Bridges
VIDEO: She speaks fluent American
VIDEO: You will not support Nike after watching this. Trust me.
“I plan on winning a Paralympic gold medal at the 2016 Rio Games”…that sums up Will Lachenauer – member of the US Paralympic National Cycling Team that’s Rio bound. My talk with Will further demonstrates that despite life circumstances that seem incredibly daunting, determination and resiliency can get one through the worst of times. From motocross racer, climber. Mountain bike competitor to nationally ranked hand crank cyclist post his accident – Will’s remarkable zeal for life, family and work have given him an entire new perspective though the only thing Will says he can’t do nowadays is change light bulbs. Seems like a 90’s flashback that Pokemon is ubiquitous but the new Go version is prompting people who suffer from depression, agoraphobia and more to leave their homes. Can a game help treat mental illness and more through distraction?
Have Mark speak at your workplace, school, camp and more on vital topics that impact everyone: www.markfarrellmotivation.com