Meditations and Molotovs – 07.11.16

On today’s program, Vince reflects on the difficulties of radio and listener expectations. More importantly, Vince talks about policing, violence, BLM, militarization, robotics technologies, resistance and why events such as those that took place in Dallas, Texas are just the tip of the iceberg.

Leid Stories – Amid the Clamor for Unity, Clarity Takes A Lethal Hit – 07.11.16

Officials and “responsible” leaders of almost every stripe are calling for unity in the aftermath of a gruesome week that sparked national outrage over back-to-back killings of two African American men by white police officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Falcon Heights, Minnesota, and an African American ex-soldier’s revenge shooting of white police officers in Dallas, Texas, that killed five and wounded seven of them, and also wounded two civilians.

It is customary for leaders to sing rousing choruses of the “We-Are-One-America” anthem at times like this—when public thought and action must be managed and controlled. The “unity” plea achieves this through distraction—by changing both the nature and dimension of the national crisis and limiting the people’s power to do anything about it.

Leid Stories discusses why, amid the clamor for unity, clarity about the current crisis is taking a lethal hit.

The Vinyl Experience – 07.08.16

Vinyl Experience #302

Elvis Presley: Hound Dog
Elvis Presley: Don’t Be Cruel
U2: Elvis Presley And America
Death Ride ’69: Elvis Christ
Rod Stewart: That’s All Right
Tom Jones: Elvis Presley Blues
Mumford & Sons: The Wolf
Langhorne Slim & The Law: Wolves
Rhiannon Giddens: Don’t Let It Trouble Your Mind
Nina Simone: The Ballad Of Hollis Brown
Hollis Brown: Rain Dance
Sunflower Bean: I Want You To Give Me Enough Time
Orpheus: I Can’t Find The Time To Tell You

Energy Stew – M.J. Evans – 07.08.16

Do the Sumerian tablets only present a myth? Maybe not.

These ancient tablets were first translated in the late 1800’s and archeologists were unfamiliar with flying ships. What imagination they were thought to hold! They spoke of gods who came from these ships and they brought technology to build monuments. They also brought conflict and war. Zecharia Sitchin was a recent scientist who saw that these ancient tablets showed some of our modern technology that was previously misunderstood in the old translations. It’s fascinating when you look at the tablets with a modern eye and realize that these ancient people wrote in depth about space ships and interstellar communications. The gods who emerged from these ships brought a civilization with them and taught these early minds how to use technology.

Today’s science still can’t explain how old monuments were built with such perfection that needed very advanced tools. There are even elaborate writings about the mating of these gods with early cavemen and the leap to human sapiens that was able to happen. Science is still baffled about how sophisticated intelligence evolved as normal evolution would have been too slow. Zecharia Sitchin wrote many books about these old tablets but he’s gone now and his work is being maintained by M.J. Evans who recently wrote Zecharia Sitchin and the Extraterrestrial Origins of Humanity. This is a story that’s very captivating and represents many years of detailed research. You might want to learn more about it.

Tune into my interview with M.J. Evans.

Expat Files – 07.08.16

Descriptions for THE EXPAT FILES SHOW #576

#1- It could only happen in Latin America: Expat Eddie chimes in with another one of his unbelievable but true eye-witness stories

#2- Crazy superstitions run rampant in Latin America: so its best not to open your mouth or laugh when you see how nutty and illogical the locals react to that stuff. Never forget that Latins take signs, omens, shamans and neighborhood witches (Brujas) quite seriously. By the way, every burb has a friendly neighborhood “bruja”..and for a few bucks she’ll pull out the Tarot cards, tell your fortune and bring you luck. But can she get a cheating husband back? That’s the #1 request… that’ll take more than one visit and a lot more dough.

#3- Things you need to consider if you’re contemplating a trip to the upcoming Brazilian Olympics in Rio

#4- Consult with Johnny- Schedule a cell or Skype call: Set up a time to talk and I’ll help you sort out your own specific Latin American “PLAN- B”. Just write “CONSULT” in the subject line with a short list of questions/talking points to:

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 07.07.16

INDIAN POINT and DIABLO CANYON are two nuclear reactor names that strike fear in the hearts of anyone who knows about atomic power. We discuss the two reactors north of New York City with MANNA JO GREEN (Clearwater), GARY SHAW (IPSEC) and KEVIN KAMPS (Beyond Nuclear). These long-term activists and experts are dedicated to shutting the two nukes irradiating the Hudson River. They outline the critical deterioration threatening the future of these aging, uneconomical reactors.

We are then joined by ROCHELLE BECKER of California’s Alliance 4 Nuclear Responsibility who describes the landmark new deal cut between PG&E, the unions and environmental groups to shut the two nukes at Diablo Canyon by 2025. This complex multi-faceted agreement calls for a 100% conversion to renewable energy, a “retain and retrain” program for the plant’s workers, and a definitive death date in 9 years. A wide range of issues have arisen amongst those of us demanding an immediate shutdown of these decayed, deteriorating and deadly reactors. Lets figure out how to get them down…

What Women Must Know – Find a Way: A personal Account of Overcoming Fears and Never Being Too Old to Live Your Dreams with Diana Nyad – 07.07.16

For her maverick open-water performance of the 1970s, Diana Nyad was known as the world’s greatest long-distance swimmer. For the next thirty years, Nyad was a prominent sports broadcaster and journalist, filing compelling stories for National Public Radio, ABC’s Wide World of Sports, and others. She is a national fitness icon, has written three other books, is a talented linguist, and is one of today’s most powerful and engaging public speakers.

Diana Nyad was a world champion in her twenties, setting the record for swimming around Manhattan Island, along with other ocean-swim achievements, all of which rendered her a star at the time. Back then, she made the first attempt at the Mount Everest of swims, the Cuba Swim, but after forty-two hours and seventy-nine miles she was blown desperately off course. Her dream unfulfilled, she didn’t swim another stroke for three decades.

On September 2, 2013, at the age of sixty-four, Diana Nyad emerged onto the sands of Key West after swimming 111 miles, nation to nation, Cuba to Florida, in an epic feat of both endurance and human will, in fifty-three hours. Diana carried three poignant messages on her way across this stretch of shark-infested waters, and she spoke them to the crowd in her moment of final triumph:

1. Never, ever give up.
2. You’re never too old to chase your dreams.
3. It looks like a solitary sport, but it’s a Team.

Expanding Mind – What Worlds Will Come – 07.07.16

Technology writer and futurist Kevin Kelly talks about digital socialism, surveillance fears, and the cosmic force fueling technology. Kevin’s new book is The Inevitable: Understanding the 12 Technological Forces that Will Shape our Future.