Ask The Blood Detective – Probiotic – everything I need to know and more – 04.29.17

Join Dr. Michael Wald, the blood detective, as he talks about the following essential concepts regarding the use and miss use of probiotic supplements. What are probiotics?, Where do probiotics come from? Typical probiotic strains, which probiotic strains are best for what health problems? Should probiotics be rotated? Should probiotics be taken with stomach acid or pancreatic enzymes? Visa and more topics not commonly heard will be discussed by Dr. WALD based on what you wanted to know about probiotics. Dr. Michael Wald is director of Longevity services at Integrated nutrition amount KISCO located in Westchester New York, one hour north of New York City. You may call Dr. WALD at 914-242-8844. His email is: His website is: Dr. WALD is a doctor in holistic nutrition, a doctor of chiropractic, earned his M.D. degree and is a dietitian, board certified nutritionist and clinical nutritional specialist.

Stress, Depression and Anxiety Are All Alleviated By Probiotics

Intestinal bacteria are the focus of intense research by scientists worldwide. They play a significant role in causing and preventing hundreds of diseases. According to a new systematic review and meta-analysis, probiotics have several advantageous effects on mental health by lessening the psychological symptoms of perceived stress, depression and anxiety. There are over 400 species of bacteria in your belly …

What Women Must Know – The Healing Power of Cultured Foods for Autism and Overall Wellbeing with Kirsty Wirth – 12.08.16

Kirsty Wirth is the founder of Kultured Wellness, a company whose mission is to inspire and educate people to take control of their health by eating real and fermented foods that nourishes the brain and the gut. She is the brainchild behind Kultured Wellness Culture Starters and functional supplements.

Linda Woolven & Ted Snider – A Dozen Uses Of Probiotics That Will Surprise You

Everybody now knows that probiotics are good for you. But here are twelve recently discovered benefits of probiotics that might really surprise you! 1. Happiness This surprising triple-blind study gave either probiotics or a placebo to 40 healthy people for 4 weeks. The probiotics actually significantly reduced negative thoughts associated with a sad mood compared to placebo. The positive effect was mostly because …

Ask The Blood Detective – Everything You Need To Know About Digestion – 10.22.16

Everything you need to know about digestion is the title of Dr. WALD show that explores the anatomy of the digestive tract, the process of digestion and how the rest of the body is influenced by digestion and in turn is influenced by the rest of the body. According to Dr. Wald, “there is no cell, tissue or organ system of the body that can escape problems caused by the digestive tract. In reverse, there are no health problem that exist anywhere outside of the gut that can be improved without considering the role of the digestive tract.” Dr. WALD is the director of health and wellness at Integrated Nutrition of Mount Kisco in Westchester New York -914-242-8844. or Email:

Fighting cavities could one day be as easy as taking a pill, research shows

University of Florida Health researchers have identified a new strain of bacteria in the mouth that may keep bad bacteria in check — and could lead to a way to prevent cavities using probiotics. The researchers say the findings could lead to the development of a supplement that patients could take orally to prevent cavities. While developing an effective oral …

Probiotics and Prebiotics Influence Neuropsychological Conditions – 6 Surprising Facts About Microbes In Your Gut – KAREN FOSTER

Researchers have long suggested a link between the gut-brain axis and neuropsychiatric disorders such as autism, depression, and eating disorders. Using probiotics and prebiotics to alter the gut microbiota and influence the gut-brain axis may open up new ways of influencing neuropsychological conditions, says a new review. The majority of the science for probiotics has focused on gut health, but as …

Pears could be part of a healthy diet to manage diabetes

While the phrase “an apple a day” is a popular saying, a new study suggests that pears as part of a healthy diet could play a role in helping to manage type 2 diabetes and diabetes-induced hypertension. The results of research published in Food Research International show potential health benefits of Bartlett and Starkrimson pears. Building on their previous studies, …

Microbes are Holding the Reins to our Health – Erica Sonnenburg Ph.D.

You are not alone. Your gut is teaming with bacteria that have been linked to everything from autism to obesity and may even be influencing your mood and behavior. Whether this collection of microorganisms, your microbiota, is thriving or suffering has huge implications for your risk of a number of diseases including diabetes, cancer, heart disease, and even mental illness. Each of us is …

How Good Gut Health Can Boost Your Immune System

Over the last 100 years, with the industrialization of our food supply, our diet has changed dramatically. This highly processed, high-sugar, high-fat, low-fiber diet has substantially altered our gut bacteria, contributing to the epidemic I call diabesity. The food we eat not only feeds our fat cells, but also determines what kind of inner garden we are growing in our guts. This garden …