How the Administration’s Attack on Public Scientists Is Destroying Health Everywhere in the World: Listen to Arlene Blum PhD, biophysical chemist,  and the Executive Director of the Green Science Policy Institute discussing the dire health consequences of the corporate de-regulation agenda — in conversation with Alison Rose Levy. Download this episode (right click and save)
The Gary Null Show – 06.01.2017
Existential Despair and Living Deliberately Prof. Justin McDaniel is the Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Pennsylvania and the Chair of Undergraduate Studies. He is also an associate editor of the peer reviewed Journal of Asian Studies. Justin received his Masters from Harvard Divinity School and an additional MA and his doctorate at Harvard’s department …
Resistance Radio – Luigi Boitani – 04.16.17
Luigi Boitani is chair of the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe (LCIE). He is also a professor in the Department of Animal and Human Biology at the University of Rome. Prof. Boitani is a world leading authority on wolves, and many papers and books are centered on wolf biology, wolf management and human attitudes towards wolves. Today we talk about large carnivores in Europe.
Project Censored – 01.03.17
Peter and Mickey spend the hour in conversation with author Carol Anderson.
Her latest book, “White Rage,”
Anthea Butler – I’m on the ‘professor watchlist.’ It’s a ploy to undermine free speech
The release of the professor watchlist, purporting to expose professors who discriminate against conservative students, is anything but that. I should know: I’m on it. As one of a handful of religion professors in the US who study, write and teach about conservative Christianity and politics, I am all too aware of the real meaning of the list, and of …
MARTHA ROSENBERG – RONNIE CUMMINS – Dangerous Liaisons: ChemChina’s Bid for Syngenta
ChemChina wants to acquire the makers of atrazine, bee pesticides and Golden Rice Switzerland-based Syngenta AG is best known for its top-selling herbicide, atrazine; for trying to fool the world into thinking its genetically engineered Golden Rice will save the world; and for taking out pollinators with its neonicotinoid pesticides. The global agro-toxics corporation, which produces agrochemicals, seeds and GMOs, was …
Infectious Myth – Climate Change with Judith Curry – 07.26.16
Judith Curry is a well credentialed climate scientist, professor at the School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences at the Georgia Institute of Technology, and former chair of the department. Judith accepts that there are warming trends, but does not believe the changes will be catastrophic, and does not believe that CO2 is the major cause. You can find out more about her at her blog,, or on her university web page,
Following this, David discusses whether the Nice and Munich killers were on psychiatric drugs, such as anti-depressants, that have been associated with psychotic behaviour. David has put together a short list at: and hopes to have another guest on this subject soon.
When selling good karma goes bad
When you’re paid to sell things, it doesn’t hurt to be able to stretch the truth or prey on people’s emotions once in a while. Most advertisers probably don’t spend too much time thinking about karma, then, but perhaps they should–at least if they want to get better at their jobs. A new study by researchers from the University of …
Scientists understand that stress in early childhood can create lifelong psychological troubles, but have only begun to explain how they emerge in the brain. For example, they have observed that stress incurred early in life attenuates neural growth. Now a new study with male mice exposed to stress shows that the hippocampus reaches some developmental milestones early—essentially maturing faster in …
Nature Bats Last – 04.12.16
Guy and Mike are joined by professor and clinical psychologist Steve Ilardi where we discuss depression being a disease of civilization. Guy also gives a substantial climate update.