Eleanor LeCain discusses the election – including Hillary v Trump, the growing strength of progressives, and how to stop Trump – with Harold Meyerson, Editor At Large of the Prospect magazine and a leading political analyst.
Meditations and Molotovs – 06.27.16
Today’s program features a discussion on the Brexit vote. Vince talks about what the vote means, and what it doesn’t mean. He also explores procedural and legal challenges, the various ideologies and organizations that supported the “leave” vote and their connection to Trump’s supporters, and what the Brexit vote means for Left political movements around the globe. Most importantly, Vince suggests that the Left shouldn’t tear itself apart over the Brexit results. There is plenty of room for disagreement and solidarity. It would be wise to recognize that both sides have legitimate concerns and suggestions. Political, economic and media elites want to divide progressives. It’s up to us to reject this false narrative and provide alternatives to both nation-state capitalism and neoliberal-EU capitalism.
Leid Stories – The Democratic Party’s Utterly Undemocratic Convention in Nevada; How Progressives Conspire to Thwart Progress – 05.16.16
The Nevada Democratic Convention ended in chaos Saturday, after 16 hours of backroom dealing by party hacks to produce the desired result: Nevada is Hillary country. In one of the most flagrant examples of vote fixing in this election cycle, state bosses scuttled the party’s own rules and ran roughshod over any semblance of fairness in the Clinton-Sanders battle for delegates. It was a patently fraudulent process that yielded a fraudulent result, but it appears to sit well with the Democratic Party leadership, which is decidedly pro-Clinton.
Dr. James Petras, Bartle professor emeritus of sociology at Binghamton University and author of more than 62 books and 600 scholarly papers on imperialism and global oppression, notes that “progressives” have a sordid history of offering themselves as alternatives to the system when in fact they are political acolytes working with the system to thwart progress.
All Together Now – 03.03.16
Eleanor LeCain discusses the race for President – including Hilary v. Bernie, the growing strength of progressives, and the rise of Trump (and how he might be stopped) – with Harold Meyerson, Editor At Large of the Prospect magazine and a leading political analyst.
Leid Stories – 03.02.16
Election 2016: The Duopoly’s Super Tuesday Wins and What They Mean for the Rest of Us
Donald Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s big wins in the Super Tuesday primaries have all but cleared their paths to their parties’ nomination and eventual matchup in November’s general election. Listeners decipher the results of yesterday’s primaries and what they mean for progressives.