Michael Hardt, Sandro Mezzadra – The power of the movements facing Trump

It is much too early to say to what extent President Trump will enact his campaign promises as government policy and, indeed, how much he will actually be able to do in office. But every day since his election demonstrations have sprung up throughout the United States to express outrage, apprehension and dismay. Moreover, there is no doubt that once …

Heart of Mind Radio – 11.18.16

On today’s Heart Of Mind Radio, host Kathryn Davis features the situation at Standing Rock Dacoka. The Standing Rock Native American Reservation is a Hunkpapa Lakota and Yanktonai Dakota Native American reservation in North Dakota and South Dakota in the United States.

Sam Husseini – Beyond the Anti-Trump Protests

Two views seem to be dominant among progressives regarding Donald Trump: Either protest all he does (people have been holding “anti-Trump” rallies for the past week) or “give him a chance” (let’s see what he does, maybe it will be okay). But both the demonizers and those urging a passive approach are wrong. The “Anti-Trump” approach is hollow. First, to protest a …

PETER LAVENIA – The Revenge of Class and the Death of the Democratic Party

The Democratic Party of my lifetime – the coalition of Wall St finance capital and identity-politics voters that arose during the 1980s and 90s – is dead. It has been killed, quite ironically, by the revenge of class politics – the kind once championed by the Democrats. Decades of economic misery and the hollowing-out of vast segments of the American …

Dirk Kurbjuweit – America Has Abdicated Its Leadership of the West

Even history sometimes leans toward pathos. In January 2017, when Donald Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, the American Age will celebrate its 100th birthday — and its funeral. The West was constituted in its modern form in January 1917. World War I was raging in Europe at the time and in Washington, D.C., …

Project Censored – 11.15.16

Peter and Mickey get reactions to the Trump presidential victory from Northern Californa college students, faculty,
and a Green Party campaigner. Next is a quick update from Standing Rock, North Dakota by a student supporter of the protest.
Finally, a conversation with long-time human-rights campaigner Jack Healy about the campaign to free Leonard Peltier

VIJAY PRASHAD – Last Stand at Standing Rock

The names of towns and districts in North Dakota echo the violence of an earlier time, when the United States government pushed Native Americans off their ancestral lands onto reservations and, for many, to their deaths. One such town is Cannon Ball. It is in the heart of Sioux County on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. North of Cannon Ball, on …

Project Censored – 11.07.16

Peter Phillips is joined this week by guest co-host and sociologist Michael Sukhov
Their first guest is author Michael Parenti, who discusses the nature of American empire.
Then two guests, Noah Treanor and Paulette Moore, phone in to describe their experiences at Standing Rock, North Dakota,
site of the Dakota Access Pipeline project.
In the final segment of the program, journalist Ann Garrison examines ongoing lies about the 1994 Rwandan massacres,
explains the fears of many in the region about another Clinton presidency, and describes some of the political prisoners now in Rwandan jails.

Chip Ward – Indians and Cowboys: The 2016 Version of an Old Story on a New Planet

Cowboys and Indians are at it again. Americans who don’t live in the West may think that the historic clash of Native Americans and pioneering settlers is long past because the Indians were, after all, defeated and now drive cars, watch television, and shop at Walmart.  Not so.  That classic American narrative is back big time, only the Indians are …