Kelly Brogan, MD – Have You Been Told It’s All In Your Head? The New Biology Of Mental Illness

Psychiatry is notorious for saying “oops!” for a long history of abusing patients with pseudoscience-driven treatments and its shameful lack of diagnostic rigor. From the1949 Nobel Prize for therapeutic lobotomy to theRosenhan experiments in the 70s which exposed the invalidity of a psychiatrist’s clinical judgment (hospitalizing and treating actors feigning psychosis), the field is in crisis. The New Biology of Mental Illness My …

Charles Pierce – The U.S. Military Is Determined to Dodge Responsibility for the Afghan Airstrike

There goes that pesky passive voice again. It truly is one of the world’s most deadly serial killers.​ “I’ve ordered a thorough investigation into this tragic incident and the investigation is ongoing,” U.S. Army Gen. John Campbell said. “The Afghans ordered the same. If errors were committed we’ll acknowledge them. We’ll hold those responsible accountable and we will take steps to ensure …

Vermont Teen Forcibly Drugged and Incarcerated By DCF Wants to Come Home for 18th Birthday

A judge has ruled that Vermont teen Elissa Maple be returned home on her 18th birthday, which is July 1, but DCF is fighting the ruling, even allegedly attempting bribery of the teenager to get her to voluntarily sign over her rights on her birthday. If she does so, they can keep her in the system for an additional 3 years. Elissa has spent …

Psychiatric Hospitals: On Being Sane In ‘Insane Places” – Dr. Gary G. Kohls

In 1973, D. L. Rosenhan published a ground-breaking psychiatric study in January 19 issue of Science magazine. The article exposed a serious short-coming in the psychiatric hospitals at the time, and therefore it became very controversial. Dr. Rosenhan, a professor of psychology and law at Stanford University, designed the study to try to answer the title question: “If sanity and insanity …