Aluminum contamination implicated in dementia and bee deaths by David Gutierrez

An insect form of Alzheimer’s disease caused by aluminum contamination may be one of the causes behind an ongoing decline in populations of bees and other pollinators, according to a study conducted by researchers from the universities of Keele and Sussex and published in the journal PLOS ONE. The researchers found that honeybees had levels of aluminum in their bodies equivalent …

Science and medicine have a ‘publication pollution’ problem

Dr. Arthur Caplan warns that plagiarism, fraud and predatory publishing is ‘corroding the reliability of research’ NYU Langone Medical Center / New York University School of Medicine (New York, NY) April 3, 2015 – The scientific community is facing a ‘pollution problem’ in academic publishing, one that poses a serious threat to the “trustworthiness, utility, and value of science and …