Black Agenda Radio – 05.30.16

Welcome to Black Agenda Radio, the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective. I’m Glen Ford, with my co-host, Nellie Bailey and this is a weekly hour of African American political thought and action.

– Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein took her cause to the annual Left Forum conference, in New York City. Stein and her party still have to contend with Democrats who claim third parties are spoilers that only help the Republicans.

– Black Agenda Report executive editor Glen Ford appeared on the same panel with Dr. Stein. The event was titled “Can Bernie Sanders Build Left and Black Power?” Ford said Sanders is a Franklin Roosevelt New Deal-type politician who thinks the bankers are necessary to society. So, Sanders doesn’t really want to hurt the bankers too much. Most importantly, said Ford, Sanders is a Democrat.

– Charter school companies are now operating so-called “virtual schools” that have no classrooms or buildings, but only exist on the Internet. However, the charter operators are paid public money for each student, just like conventional public schools. David Cohen is executive director of the advocacy group, In The Public Interest. He says an outfit called California Virtual Academies graduates less than half of its students, and is accused of inflating its online attendance to collect thousands of dollars from the state. According to the San Jose Mercury newspaper, the Virtual Academies count students as “present” if they log on for as little as one minute during the school day. David Cohen says the online charter is run by a for-profit company called K-12 Inc.

– Most people think that the developing world is short of money, and that cash flows from the rich countries of Western Europe and the United States. But the opposite is true. According to James Henry, an expert on global banking, the rich countries are extracting fantastic amounts of cash from the developing world, including from Russia and China. Henry says the flow of money to the rich countries amounts to about $12 trillion a year.

Be sure to visit us at, where you’ll find a new and provocative issue, each Wednesday. It’s the place for news, commentary and analysis, from the Black Left.

The Gary Null Show – 05.18.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gives us some great information on health and healing as well as public schools, the economy and more. Listen and read to learn more:

Melatonin reduces blood pressure and tunes up disrupted circadian rhythms in the elderly

Can sesame-based ingredients reduce oxidative stress?

Scientists discover Antarctic sponge extract can help kill MRSA

Eating potatoes could increase the the risk of high blood pressure

Cancer-fighting properties of horseradish revealed

What are polyphenols and how do they prevent disease

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this funky jam: TAVARES – It Only Takes A Minute. Gary then returns to the show and plays this great video.

VIDEO: Stupid in America: How we cheat our kids – John Stossel looks at the ways the U.S. public education system cheats students out of a quality education. (Part 2)

Grade-fixing ex-principal lands $157K job as DOE administrator

The controversial way rich parents help their kids de-stress

VIDEO: No Viet Cong called me NiXXer- Muhammad Ali

Gary then took calls about the teachers and then discusses DEBT:

Undeniable evidence that the real economy is already in recession mode

The Gary Null Show – 05.16.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave us great news on health, the environment and public schools. Listen below or click on a link to learn more:

Omega-3 levels linked to better cognitive performance

Regular physical activity is ‘magic bullet’ for pandemics of obesity, cardiovascular disease

What foods can help fight the risk of chronic inflammation?

Another reason for wine lovers to toast resveratrol

Omega-3 lowers childhood aggression in short term

Will new chemical law hide the fracking industry’s toxic secrets?

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this classic jam: The Spinners – Could It Be I’m Falling In Love. Gary returns to discuss “The March against Monsato.” He will be in Fort Myers, 13499 South Cleveland Avenue, Here are all the locations having “A March Against Monsato.” Then on Sunday morning at 9am, at 5th ave and 90th Street for the 1st meeting of this year’s “Natural Living Running and Walking Club.” It is free and helps you get in shape. Lastly Luanne comes on and talks about Gary’s only support group this year. It starts Saturday June 11, 2016 at 3PM on the Upper West Side and will be helping people with Anti-Aging, Hair Loss, Muscles, Skin and the Brain. Email Luanne at or call her at 631-504-6198.Gary returns to the show with this great video:

VIDEO: Stupid in America: How we cheat our kids – John Stossel looks at the ways the U.S. public education system cheats students out of a quality education.

Why teachers matter in dark times – Henry A. Giroux

Leid Stories – First, Kill the Schools: The Nation’s ‘Urban Removal’ Plan – 05.12.16

Last week’s teacher sickout in Detroit shut down its public school system for three days and put the national spotlight once again on the beleaguered city’s budget woes. The teachers’ action came after they were told that their salaries could not be guaranteed beyond June 30, when emergency funds allocated by the state would run out.

Detroit’s schools long have been the poster child for the many ills that plague the nation’s public schools, especially in high-density, predominantly people-of-color urban areas across America. Now, the city and just about everything associated with it are widely viewed as being beyond fixing.

Detroit’s school system didn’t just develop “problems;” it was targeted for oblivion long before the rest of the city, says Dr. Thomas Pedroni, an associate professor of curriculum studies and policy sociology at Wayne State University and Director of the Detroit Data and Democracy Project. Raced-based policies engineered the demise of the city to make way for a “re-imagined” Detroit, he says, and key to hastening that transition was a wholesale attack on its public schools. Further, Dr. Pedroni says, the model is being replicated all across “urban” America.

Black Agenda Radio – 05.09.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with your host Glen Ford and co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– Thousands of teachers went on sick-out in Detroit, last Monday and Tuesday, shutting down the city’s public schools. The sick-out was led by Steve Conn, who was elected president of the local teachers union but deposed at the urging of the national American Federation of Teachers. Steve Conn and activists from the BAMN organization, By Any Means Necessary, have been holding teacher sick-outs since November, to protest Governor Rick Snyder’s efforts to privatize the public schools, which are already more than half charter.

– The Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations plans events in a number of cities, to put together a National Black Political Agenda. The project came out of a Black Is Back Coalition national conference, in Harlem, last month. Coalition chairman Omali Yeshitela, explains.

– In Seattle, Washington, city councilwoman Kshama Sawant, head of the Socialist Alternative Party, has launched a petition calling on Bernie Sanders to run as an Independent candidate for president, after he fails to win the Democratic presidential nomination, in Philadelphia, this summer. Sawant says the nation needs a third party, to represent the 99 percent. But, what about the Green Party, which is already on the ballot – or will be – in a majority of states in November?

– Paul Street is an historian, an activist and author, who wrote early on that Barack Obama was a corporate politician who, as president, would side with Wall Street and the Pentagon. Paul Street’s latest book is titled, “They Rule: The One Percent Versus Democracy.” Street says Hillary Clinton will pull the Democratic Party even further to the Right, packing it with Republicans who prefer her to Donald Trump.

Leid Stories – School’s Out in Detroit, and That’s the Plan; Hillary Had Dinner in Detroit, Total Contempt on the Menu – 05.02.16

Almost all (94) of Detroit’s 97 public schools are closed today—the result of a sickout by teachers reacting to news over the weekend that the state won’t be able to pay them after June 30, when emergency aid to the bankrupted city runs out. Elena Herrada, an elected member of the school board whose authority over local education was overridden during the imposed bankruptcy, says the sickout protest is a publicity stunt to cover up the union’s complicity in the main objective: destroying the public education system in Detroit.

Presidential candidate was the keynote speaker at the Detroit NAACP’s Freedom Fund Dinner last night. Leid Stories discusses the main item on the menu: total contempt for the very people chiefly responsible for her viability as a political candidate.

The Gary Null Show – 05.02.16

On “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gave you information on these great topics below and played great videos for you to hear and watch. Click on the links below to watch or read.

Life expectancy for white women falls slightly in U.S.

Better sleep and tai chi reduce inflammation and promote health

Talk outshines light in preventing return of winter blues, says new UVM study

Brain’s immune system could be harnessed to fight Alzheimer’s

Reducing cholesterol with food made from soybeans and amaranth

Masculinity + energy drinks = sleep problems

Gary takes a quick break and plays this jam: The Brothers Johnson – Stomp!

FDA looks to expand electroshock use despite significant risks and no proven benefit

FDA to declassify electroshock therapy to same risk category as condoms and contact lenses

VIDEO: The problem with millennials

VIDEO: URGENT – Fox news caught using fake video of riots!

Gary takes a very quick break and comes back with these great videos to end the show:

VIDEO: The truth about public education. Public schools? More like indoctrination camps.

VIDEO: Pentagon Employee Witness Says There Was No Plane on 9-11-2001!

VIDEO: Conan O’Brien fully exposes mainstream media

Black Agenda Radio – 02.29.16

Welcome, to the radio magazine that brings you news, commentary and analysis from a Black Left perspective with host Glen Ford and his co-host, Nellie Bailey.

– There is turmoil this presidential primacy season, in both the Democratic and Republican parties. Dr. Anthony Monteiro, the Dubois Scholar and veteran activist who helped put together a national conference on the Black Radical Tradition, this January, in Philadelphia, says the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump campaigns reveal a crisis in the duopoly political system.

– Students, teachers, parents and community members in Detroit are gearing up for a city-wide strike to defend the public schools, which have been pushed to the brink of bankruptcy after 17 years of management by the state. Among the leaders of the protests is Steven Conn, the elected president of the Detroit teachers’ union, who was deprived of his seat by the union’s national leadership. Conn says Michigan Governor Rick Snyder and his appointed emergency financial managers are hell-bent on destroying public education. Their current plan is to divide the Detroit school system in two.

– A new study shows that Teach for America, or TFA, which has been a leading force in the charterization of the nation’s public schools, enjoys a special relationship with school systems in Atlanta, Chicago, New Orleans and New York. The lead researcher for the study is Jameson Brewer. He says Teach for America collects finders fees to provide school systems with novice teachers, and protects them against lay-offs, while traditional teachers are pushed out of the profession.

– The Alliance for a Just Society has released a new report titled “Jobs After Jail.” The problem is, there AREN’T many employment opportunities for ex-offenders, partly because former prison inmates are prohibited by law from working at literally hundreds of jobs. Allyson Fredericksen was one of the authors of the report.

– As a lifelong activist, and a veteran journalist and educator, Dr. Charles Simmons takes the long view. Simmons spoke last week to a meeting on Black Men in Unions, at the Institute for Labor and Community Studies, in Detroit.

Leid Stories – 03.30.15

School Daze in Detroit: Gov. Snyder Hefts Fiscal Ax on Public Schools   He succeeded at imposing an emergency manager on Detroit—forcing it into bankruptcy and usurping all local authority in order to pave the way for its comeback as a “re-imagined” city, preferably for “new’ Detroiters. Now, almost five months after a federal judge approved the city’s onerous restructuring …