Progressive Radio Network

Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico’s Crisis: Debt Peonage and 21st-Century U.S. Colonialism Dr. Victor M. Rodriguez, professor of Chicano and Latino Studies at California State University of Long…
Puerto Rico: The Making and Breaking of An ‘Emerging Market’ On June 29, Governor Alejandro García Padilla of Puerto Rico declared that the U.S. commonwealth’s…
It’s starting to feel like we never actually emerged from the 2008 crisis: the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve simply threw $13 trillion at the…
Bleeding to Debt: As With Detroit, So With Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico is in a “death spiral,” Gov. Alejandro García Padilla has declared, unable to…
As I type these words, it looks as though the wheels are coming off the global economy. Greece and Puerto Rico have both suspended payments…
On Sunday evening the governor of Puerto Rico, Alejandro García Padilla of the Popular Democratic Party, announced that the US commonwealth would need to restructure…
It all started about a year ago when I began noticing more homeless men in the Chicago neighborhood where I work. Back of the Yards…
The largest medical conspiracy is not the one that causes physical disease to hundreds, thousands or millions of people, but the one that is set…