The next financial crisis on the horizon and the role of the Central Banks in bringing it about Dr. Jack Rasmus is a professor of political economics at St. Mary’s College and Santa Clara University in California. Prior to teaching, he was an economic analyst for several global corporations and an organizer, negotiator and business representative for several labor unions. At one …
Alternative Visions – The New Phase of Global Capitalism Post-2008 – 07.07.17
Dr. Rasmus explains how the global capitalist economy entered a new phase of evolution with the 2008-09 global financial crash and recession, and how central banks have become the primary economic policy institution for the advanced economies. Central banks have been transformed since 2008 from institutions designed to bail out the private banks in periods of crises, into institutions that …
It’s Our Money – Folks in the Field – 03.22.17
Anthropologist Margaret Mead is famously quoted as giving credit for most social and cultural change to small groups of individuals who pioneer new priorities and establish new systems. That certainly describes many individuals around the country who are working on the American public banking frontier with multi-year commitments of time, talent and energy, going through the hoops, chicanes, reversals and exhilarations required for creating entirely new banking institutions dedicated to democratizing control of public money for public benefit. We talk with several of these pioneers about their motivations, process, challenges and concerns – snapshots of 21st Century American democracy – as the movement for public banking picks up speed from coast to coast.
Alternative Visions – Deutsche Bank & the Deepening Euro Bank Crisis – 09.30.16
Dr. Jack Rasmus reviews recent developments in the growing instability in Germany’s largest bank, Deutsche Bank, and explains how it is a reflection of a deeper, ongoing crisis in the Euro banking system itself. Parallels of Deutsche Bank—the ‘Goldman-Sachs’ of Germany—with the 2008 crash of US Lehman Brothers investment bank are discussed, with Rasmus predicting the German central bank, Bundesbank, will eventually bail out Deutsche—unlike the US decision in 2008 to let Lehman go under. Also addressed: how Rasmus’ theoretical work published earlier this year, ‘Systemic Fragility in the Global Economy’, predicted the growing crisis in the Euro banking system, which is now expanding beyond Italy’s banks to Germany and beyond. How the Deutsche crisis is exacerbating in-fighting between the Bundesbank and the European Central Bank, the ECB, and attacks on ECB chair, Mario Draghi. The Deutsche-Euro bank crisis is a reflection of the growing awareness of the failure of the ECB and other central banks’ QE and negative rates policies—including the US Federal Reserve—to stimulate the real economy and only boost stock and other financial markets. Jack explains how the Deutsche affair is also a reflection of the failed structure of the Eurozone currency union itself. The show concludes with brief comments on Saudi Arabia/OPEC’s recent decision to cut oil supplies to raise global prices, how Japan is considering redefining its GDP in order to raise growth on paper, and on the phony debate on taxes during the recent 1st presidential debates this past week between Clinton and Trump. (For more on Jack’s analysis of the 1stpresidential debate, read his article at his blog,, or go to the PRN website articles archive).
Trends This Week – Interest rates and presidential candidates – 09.21.16
Interest rates and presidential candidates:
Trends This Week – Populism is surging worldwide…but in America? – 09.09.16
Populist movements – real populist movements, not the “pop” populism trumped in the U.S. – are building momentum across the globe. Gerald Celente breaks down the reasons why and analyzes whether such movements can develop in America. He also explores how eight years of massive global central-bank quantitative easing and low-interest rate/cheap-money schemes have boosted equity markets, while dismal Gross Domestic Product, wage and productivity data prove central-bank policies have failed to generate true economic growth.
Alternative Visions – Why QE Policy is ‘Dead and Dying’ and ‘Helicopter Money’ Is An Alternative – 08.05.16
Jack Rasmus explains why all economic indicators for the US economy are ‘flashing red’ except for consumer spending, driven mostly by surging household debt again in credit cards, mortgages, auto loans and student loans. Meanwhile, 7 years of continued low interest rates created by the Federal Reserve (and other central banks) are creating a crisis in pensions, insurance, and sectors …
Trends This Week – Trump imploding and the rigged economy – 08.03.16
Gerald Celente takes a deep dive into the news of recent days, especially the self-destructing Donald Trump and ever present war drums pounding in the background of the Presidential Reality Show. He updates listeners on critical economic trends, as well. Despite high expectations that the Bank of Japan would stimulate its nation’s foundering economy by driving interest rates further into …
MIKE WHITNEY – Wall Street’s Savage Reckoning: Clouds Gather Over G-20 Summit
Finance ministers and central bankers from the world’s biggest economies met in Shanghai, China over the weekend to discuss many of the problems for which they alone are responsible. Leading the list of issues, was the steady deceleration in global growth which, to great extent, is the result of experimental monetary policies central banks implemented following the recession in 2009. …
CHRIS MARTENSON – The Return of Crisis: Everywhere Banks are in Deep Trouble
Financial markets the world over are increasingly chaotic; either retreating or plunging. Our view remains that there’s a gigantic market crash in the coming future — one that has possibly started now. Our reason for expecting a market crash is simple: Bubbles always burst. Bubbles arise when asset prices inflate above what underlying incomes can sustain. Centuries ago, the Dutch woke …