Aya Batrawy, Paisley Dodds, Lori Hinnant – Leaked Isis documents reveal recruits have poor grasp of Islamic faith

The jihadi employment form asked the recruits, on a scale of one to three, to rate their knowledge of Islam. And the Isis applicants, herded into a hangar somewhere at the Syria-Turkey border, turned out to be overwhelmingly ignorant. The extremist group could hardly have hoped for better. At the height of Isis’ drive for foot soldiers in 2013 and 2014, typical recruits included …

Steven MacMillan – How Islamic is the So-Called Islamic State?

Since the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) declared a caliphate in June 2014, Muslim extremism has once again become a major topic in the media and therefore in the public mind. Islamophobic attacks have skyrocketed in the West in recent years, as many people tarnish over one and half billion Muslims with a single brush. In the distorted logic of the modern-day …

Sarah Lazare – It Is Time to Notice That Horrible Mass Bombings Are Targeting Muslims

For U.S. political and pundit classes, “radical Islamic extremism” has become a catch-all term to describe acts of mass violence committed by individuals and groups believed to be Muslim. This label has fueled the incitement against Muslims mounting during the US presidential election, which has been highlighted by Donald Trump calling [3] for a Muslim registry and a ban on Muslims from entering …

Study: Freedom of religion, civic rights were important components of a ‘Muslim nation’

Prophet Muhammad believed that freedom of religion and civic rights were important components of a ‘Muslim nation,’ according to a Rice University analysis of the prophet’s covenants with Christians. The researcher argues that the covenants can be used to develop a stronger democratic partnership between Muslims and Christians in the Islamic world and elsewhere. “Religious Pluralism and Civic Rights in …

10 Ways That Musical Training Boosts Brain Power

Did you play a musical instrument when you were growing up? Do you continue to play an instrument today? Neuroscientists continue to find evidence that musical training tremendously benefits a child’s brain development in ways that can improve cognitve function throughout his or her lifespan. As the father of a 7-year-old, I am gratefulthat my daughter is fortunate enough to have access to musical …

The ISIS Described by the US Media as a “Sunni Muslim Militia” is “Made in America”. It has Nothing to Do with Sunni Islam

As a lifetime student of classical mainline Islamic jurisprudential school of thought called “Sunni fiqh”,  I feel saddened to note how the Western mainstream media succumbed to the Islamophobic propaganda of affixing the epithet “Sunni” to the militia of the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). I can confidently say that ISIS is not Sunni because all that …