Henry Giroux – The Racist Killing Machine in the Age of Anti-Politics

The killing machine has become spectacularized, endlessly looped through the mainstream cultural apparatuses both as a way to increase ratings and as an unconscious testimony to the ruthlessness of the violence waged by a racist state. Once again, Americans and the rest of the world are witness to a brutal killing machine, a form of domestic terrorism, responsible for the …


The Republican Party still has time to change its mind. Right now it’s supporting for President of the United States a man 1. who divides us by race and ethnicity and religion. He says undocumented Americans “bring drugs, crime, they’re rapists.” That the Mexican government “sends bad ones over because they don’t want to pay for them.” And who says he’ll round up …

Meditations and Molotovs – 06.13.16

There is simply no way to understand the massacre in Orlando without asking fundamental questions about our society, its various institutions, cultures and ideologies.

Hence, today’s program features a discussion concerning violence, guns, patriarchy, capitalism, civilization, homophobia, religion, militarism, racism, ecological devastation and how all of these things are inherently connected.

In the end, the government isn’t taking anyone’s guns in the U.S. There will be no “buy back” program. There will be no “confiscation efforts.” And there surely won’t be a “ban on assault weapons” in the near future. In the meantime, what are decent Americans to do?

Meditations and Molotovs – 05.23.16

On today’s program, Vince addresses a question he’s been asked thousands of times as an activist and writer: “What do you want?” And, more importantly, “How are we going to get it?” The Left knows what it doesn’t want – exploitation, inequality, dis-empowerment, racism – but what replaces the structures, institutions and cultures that produce these phenomena? People can resist all they wish, but without a vision for the future, resistance is futile. Let’s talk about the future.

Meditations and Molotovs – 04.11.16

The Private Prison Industry, Immigrant Detention Facilities, Racism, De-industrialization and the End of Capitalism. Dispatches from the Rust Belt with Samuel Love. On today’s program, Vince interviews Gary, Indiana native, activist and artist, Sam Love, who is currently organizing to stop GEO Group from building yet another prison – this time, in Gary. Vince and Samuel talk about growing up in the Rust Belt, progressive activism, Chicago politics and building broad coalitions across racial and ethnic boundaries.

A Just Cause – Black America … Still Facing Racism – 04.03.16

The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be addressing the fact that Black Americans are still facing racism today, in 2016! Joining them, will be our Special Guest Vimel Sephus, a multi-facted Actor/Performer in the Theater & Performing Arts. He will be sharing some of his personal experiences and thoughts on Racism.

Leid Stories – Obama in Cuba: Audacity and Hope – 03.22.16

President Barack Obama today caps his historic three-day visit to Cuba with a speech delineating his version of a working relationship with the Communist state, now that the United States has agreed to cease hostilities initiated in 1959.

Dr. Gerald Horne, John J. and Rebecca Moores chair of history and African American studies at the University of Houston and frequent analyst of world affairs on Leid Stories, discusses Obama’s visit and its implications.

Horne, who also teaches diplomatic history, is the author of more than 30 books (including Race to Revolution: The U.S. and Cuba during Slavery and Jim Crow) and more than 100 scholarly papers that focus on struggles against imperialism, colonialism, fascism and racism.

JOHN V. WALSH – Who is the Arch Racist: Hillary or the Donald?

Who is the arch racist, Hillary or Trump? To answer that, let us ask another question, a simple one. Which is worse: to denigrate some members of a group or religion or race – or to kill them by the millions? And maim more millions and displace even more millions? Which is more “racist”? With that in mind, who is …

LISA WADE – Millennials’ Tolerance for Shutting Down Free Speech

This November, a wave of student activism drew attention to the problem of racism at colleges and universities in the United States. Sparked by protests at the University of Missouri, nicknamed Mizzou, we saw actions at dozens of colleges. It was a spectacular show of strength and solidarity and activists have won many concessions, including new funding, resignations, and promises …