Global Alert News – 07.08.17

First world populations like those of the US and Western Europe have, so far, shown little awareness, understanding, or concern in regard to the rapidly converging challenges we collectively face. So many are all too willing to embrace and accept any lie they are fed that fits with their ideology and comfort zones. False data, power structure propaganda and media …

Resistance Radio – Guest: George Wuerthner – 05.21.17

George Wuerthner is the former Ecological Projects Director for the Foundation for Deep Ecology. He is an ecologist and wildlands activist. He has published 38 books on environmental issues and natural history including such environmentally focused books as Welfare Ranching, Wildfire, Thrillcraft, Energy and most recently Protecting the Wild. Today we talk about what “healthy forest” means, and the role …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 04.06.17

THE DEMISE OF US ATOMIC POWER comes to Solartopia.

We talk with PAT MARIDA of Ohio Sierra’s nuclear committee, LINDA PENCE GUNTER of Beyond Nuclear, and TOM CLEMENTS, the great southeastern stalwart of the movement to bury nuclear energy.

We begin with the proposed bailout of Ohio’s failing nukes. We talk of the bankruptcy of the once-mighty WESTINGHOUSE. We assess the failures of reqctor construction throughout the world, as well as the impossibility of radioactive waste management and the oxymoron of reactor safety.

We finish with consensus on the coming of renewable energy.

But in the meantime, these three great expert/activists give us a unique and powerful critique of exactly what has happened to this most expensive and dangerous of all technologic, now hopefully about to be buried.

The Gary Null Show – 02.09.17

Today On The Gary Null Show, Gary opens up the program with the latest in health and healing, In the second part of the program Gary goes into a very inpowerful commentary. To wrap up the show Gary speaks with Kevin Kamps on Update on Fukushima and the severity of its nuclear leakage. Kevin Kamps the specialist in Radioactive Waste Storage and nuclear …

Dennis Normile – Mystery cancers are cropping up in children in aftermath of Fukushima

The March 2011 meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant caused extensive human suffering—evacuations, emotional trauma and premature deaths, disrupted jobs and schooling. What they have not caused, so far, is radiation-related illness among the general public, and few specialists expect dramatic increases in cancers or other ailments. The reactors spewed just a tenth of the radiation emitted by …

ROBERT HUNZIKER – Fukushima – Deep Trouble

The Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster may go down as one of history’s boundless tragedies and not just because of a nuclear meltdown, but rather the tragic loss of a nation’s soul. Imagine the following scenario: 207 million cardboard book boxes, end-to-end, circumnavigating Earth, like railroad tracks, going all the way around the planet. That’s a lot of book …

Fred Pearce – The Nightmare We Should Not Forget

There is nowhere like it on Earth. Hidden away on the shore of West Cumbria sits the most concentrated collection of radioactive wastes anywhere on the planet. Much of it has been all but abandoned for decades, for want of any way to make it safe or anywhere to dispose of it. Eight years ago, Britain’s top scientists at The …

Harvey Wasserman – Nuclear Reactors Make Isis an Apocalyptic Threat

As you read this, a terror attack has put atomic reactors in Ukraine at the brink of another Chernobyl-scale apocalypse. Transmission lines have been blown up. Power to at least two major nuclear power stations has been “dangerously” cut. Without emergency backup, those nukes could lose coolant to their radioactive cores and spent fuel pools. They could then melt or …

Leid Stories – 09.02.15

Radioactive Waste Dump in Texas Threatens U.S. Water Supply

The Big Fix: What Ails America and How to Fix It

Highly radioactive waste from nuclear power plants in 36 states is being dumped in a remote area in West Texas, just outside the small town of Andrews. The dumping will continue until a massive hole in the ground dug for that purpose is filled. The nuclear-waste graveyard, however, sits atop the Ogallala Aquifer, the world’s second-largest underground water supply, covering an area of 174,000 square miles.

Independent, award-winning journalist Paul DeRienzo—who had done a six-part series (“America’s Fukushima”) on Leid Stories about the nation’s largest ecological disaster caused by massive contamination from the Hanford Site, a sprawling nuclear-reactor complex on the Columbia River in south-central Washington state—reveals an elaborate scheme by governmental officials and a politically connected waste-disposal company to hide from the public the clear and present danger of massive contamination of the Ogallala Aquifer.

Leid Stories listeners identify top problems confronting the nation and offer workable solutions.

Leid Stories – 08.10.15

U.S. Cleans Up Nuclear-Waste with … Kitty Litter!

Ferguson: A Year After Rebellion, Is There ‘Reform?’

In On Feb. 5, 2014, the U.S. Department of Energy said a salt-hauling truck caught fire at its Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) in New Mexico, an underground collection, processing and storage plant for nuclear and radioactive waste from a Defense Department weapons facility located in Los Alamos, Texas. Workers were evacuated, six were treated for smoke inhalation, and part of the plant was shut down, the DOE said.

Nine days later, workers on the night shift on Feb. 14 heard an explosion “close to the operating location where waste was being emplaced,” the DOE confirmed. The next day, air monitors detected “very low levels of airborne radioactive contamination.”

Independent, award-winning journalist Paul DeRienzo—who had done a six-part series (“America’s Fukushima”) on Leid Stories about the nation’s largest ecological disaster caused by massive contamination from the Hanford Site, a sprawling nuclear-reactor complex on the Columbia River in south-central Washington state—sheds light on the clear and present danger posed by the nation’s nuclear-weapons industry and the government’s abysmal regulation of nuclear waste.

In Ferguson, Missouri, and across the nation yesterday, thousands paused in memory of Michael Brown, who at 18 was shot dead by former police officer Darren Wilson on Aug. 9 last year. Leid Stories takes a look at what Ferguson has taught us.