Meria Heller Show – 05.15.16

Roaring Truth with Meria Heller and Jim Fetzer.

This week they discuss Ted Cruz disappeared-why?, Rafael Cruz and the assassination of JFK, 3 tramps, The photos, Judyth Vary Baker met Rafael when with Lee, Rafael fled to Canada afterwards working for Zapata Oil (Bush)came back a preacher, Trump on Hillary, The blogger was silenced, Cruz’s mistresses story, Cover ups in mainstream media, Dishing the dirt in this election, Bernie Sanders, TPP, False flags-drills, The militarized conventions atmosphere, Social programs, N.C. crazy bathroom obsessions and more.

Bruce Wilson – Cruz Super PAC Head Promotes ‘Biblical’ Slavery for Non-Christians

Since 2013 (and with growing interest, especially since Ted Cruz mounted his bid for the presidency), various authors have sought to address Cruz’ ties to the diffuse but widespread movement known as dominionism. But most of these various treatments seem to share common flaws—they typically focus on a few details but miss the extensive range of evidence tying Ted Cruz …