Patricia Negron and I covered the methods now being used to take down the Global Pedophile Network and the involvement of the Vatican, governments, politicians and world leaders in running this Network. Also discussed latest news on child trafficking arrests, Geoengineering weather warfare and the illegal war in Syria. Download this episode (right click and save)
Jonathan Marshall – How Arms Sales Distort US Foreign Policy
Forget oil. In the Middle East, the profits and jobs reaped from tens of billions of dollars in arms sales are becoming the key drivers of U.S. and British policy. Oil still matters, of course. So do geopolitical interests, including military bases, and powerful political lobbies funded by Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf states. But you can’t explain Washington’s deference to Saudi …
Meria Heller – Jim Fetzer – 09.18.16
Roaring Truth with Meria and Jim Fetzer. Suing Saudi Arabia for 9/11 – Obama to veto bill;9/11 and the Jersey girls;9/11 “Commission”; America nuked on 9/11; the twin towers;Bldg 7-classic demolition;dust samples-radioactive elements;radiation illnesses;Christie Whitmans apology 15 yrs later;John ONeill & Bin Laden;the 47 core columns excluded from movies;Jill Stein on 9/11;Lincoln to JFK to 9/11 cover ups;Trump; Hillary’s double? Will the election be called off? Will Hillary be replaced? clones; the film “Bananas”; Hussein’s doubles;Putin’s favorite chauffeur murdered and lots more.
Robert Parry – Neocon Kagan Endorses Hillary Clinton
Prominent neocon Robert Kagan has endorsed Democrat Hillary Clinton for president, saying she represents the best hope for saving the United States from populist billionaire Donald Trump, who has repudiated the neoconservative cause of U.S. military interventions in line with Israel’s interests. In a Washington Post op-ed published on Thursday, Kagan excoriated the Republican Party for creating the conditions for Trump’s rise …
Zach Carter – Democrats Are Fuming About Hillary Clinton’s ‘Smear’ Line
WASHINGTON — Democrats are fuming over presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton’s defense of the millions of dollars she made giving speeches to Wall Street. Her latest effort to push back against critics undermines years of Democratic claims about the influence of money in politics, invoking a central tenet of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision. In last week’s head-to-head debate with Bernie …
Ulson Gunnar – Zika: Why Biotechnology is Imperative to National Security. Analysis of Genotype Specific Bioweapons
When we think of national security, we think of tanks, jets, missile defense systems and more recently, information space. But what about the realm of the microscopic, the biological or the genetic? Whether you think biotechnology, genetics and microbes constitute another plane upon the modern battlefield or not is irrelevant. Someone else already does, and they have a head start …
Bobby Azarian – A neuroscientist explains: Trump has a mental disorder that makes him a dangerous world leader
According to a number of top U.S. psychologists, like Harvard professor and researcher Howard Gardener, Donald Trump is a “textbook” narcissist. In fact, he fits the profile so well that clinical psychologist George Simon told Vanity Fair, “He’s so classic that I’m archiving video clips of him to use in workshops.” This puts Trump in the same category as a …
Adil E. Shamoo – The U.S. Should Not Accompany Saudi Arabia Over the Cliff
Like other totalitarian regimes that have no legitimacy and no base of support, the Saudis are wrapping themselves in religion. Saddam Hussein in the 1990s and currently Bashar al-Assad – the heads of the Baath party in Iraq and Syria – both played the religious card. However, Baathist doctrine in Iraq and Syria is basically irreligious. The Saudis are using …
Rick Shenkman – Ted Cruz’s Stone-Age Brain and Yours
After Senator Ted Cruz suggested that the United States begin carpet bombing Islamic State (IS) forces in Syria, the reaction was swift. Hillary Clinton mocked candidates who use “bluster and bigotry.” Jeb Bush insisted the idea was “foolish.” Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review, tweeted: “You can’t carpet bomb an insurgency out of existence. This is just silly.” When …
Joan Walsh – There Was No Winner in the GOP Debate, But There Was One Clear Loser: The American Public
The 2016 Republican presidential candidates gathered in Las Vegas Tuesday night with two goals: to scare the hell out of the American people and promote themselves as the guy or gal who’ll keep us safe. They all succeeded at their first objective but I’m not sure anyone scored on the second. Frontrunner Donald Trump continued to promise he’d commit war …