Warrior Connection – 04.24.16

The April 24th Edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion with Dr Kimberly Sullivan and Dr. Joanne Cirillo of Boston University School of Medicine consortium study on Gulf War illnesses. Dr Sullivan needs veterans to participate in medical care treatment research. Please call them at 617-638-5834.

Warrior Connection – 04.17.16

The April 17 edition of Warrior Connection was an incredible discussion about the legendary Bob Dylan and introduction of new Bob Dylan music with Duluth Minnesota Dylan fest director Brad Nelson and Dylan musicologist John Busey in with cooperation of KUMD.org from Duluth Minnesota. John hosts a Dylan music radio program broadcast on KUMD.org that has been ongoing for 25 years. Bob Dylan is still performing, writing, and impacting our culture just as he has done for over 50 years. The version of “Blowing In The Wind” that they played for this program brought tears to our eyes. The impact of Dylan’s music on Vietnam veterans and other generations of warriors is beyond imagination. As discussed each person holds personal and unique memories and perceptions. THAT IS WHAT MAKES DYLAN SO GREAT. Dylan clearly touches the depth of each person’s soul. Thanks to my cousin, children’s author, and poet Bonnie Rokke Tinnes of Bemidji, Minnesota who set this up and celebrated her 48th wedding anniversary doing this broadcast. Co-host Ray Clark tied it together with how Dylan was perceived and danced to during Vietnam combat operations.

Brad and John also introduced two new songs from Duluth Does Dylan

Warrior Connection – 04.10.16

The April 10th edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion about the lessons of Vietnam + 40 + 50 years and steps we the veteran who has survived can take to thrive.

obtain an education
choose friends wisely
abandon booze and street drugs
fight for your medical care
take care of yourself and your family
help the next veteran co-hort group to survive and to thrive
get involved in your community
Put your faith, your trust, and your mentor – model for living in GOD.

Warrior Connection – 03.20.16

The March 20 edition of Warrior Connection was a discussion based on the Army Times front page story for March 21 edition “TOO MANY SOLDIERS CAN’T SHOOT” ( Army Times pages 18- 21, Michelle Tan) and how to improve personal marksmanship with either a rifle or handgun. Obviously, we think that everybody should qualify as an expert but that will take time and increase costs. Supporting commentaries we have written include: