The Gary Null Show – 05.06.16

n “The Gary Null Show” today, Gary gives us great information on the topics below, as well as a great interview with Ray McGovern. Click on the links to read more or watch.

High blood pressure lowers significantly after drinking tart Montmorency cherry juice

Probiotic supplements beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis

T cells use ‘handshakes’ to sort friends from foes

Health Benefits of Amaranth Grain

Good nutrition positively affects social development

Gary takes a quick music break and plays this oldie but goodie: Bad Luck – Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes. Gary then introduces his guest, Ray McGovern and is his bio:

Ray McGovern served as an Army intelligence officer and a CIA analyst for 27 years under 7 presidential administration, from the John F. Kennedy White House to that of George H. W. Bush. Among his duties was preparing the President’s Daily Brief, which was a one-on-one to President Ronald Reagan’s most senior national security advisers. He was responsible for the analysis of Soviet intelligence regarding Vietnam and at one time served as the Assistant National Intelligence Officer for Western Europe. Since retiring from government service, Ray has been a vocal peace activist and journalist and helped create Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) to expose the way intelligence was falsified to “justify” war on Iraq and the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence. He also works with Tell the Word, an ecumenical Catholic publishing house. Ray’s opinion pieces appear in many leading news sources here and abroad. He holds degrees in theology and philosophy from Fordham University, an MA in Russian History, is a graduate from Harvard Business School

Gary played this video for Ray to listen to and discuss:

VIDEO: General Wesley Clark: Wars were planned – Seven countries in five years

This is the video Gary is discussing with Ray about Michael’s comments on George Bush Jr.

VIDEO: Michael Moore’s warning to Democrats: Take Trump seriously

Ray McGovern – How an Iran War Was Averted

On a recent TV appearance, I was asked about whistleblowing, but the experience brought back to mind a crystal-clear example of how, before the Iraq War, CIA careerists were assigned “two bosses” – CIA Director George Tenet and John Bolton, the Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, the arch-neocon who had been thrust on an obedient Secretary …

Ray McGovern – Putin Shuns Syrian ‘Quagmire’

Russian President Vladimir Putin’s abrupt announcement that Russia would begin “the withdrawal of the main part” (????? ???????? ?????) of its military “contingent” (???????????) from Syria has been widely seen not only as a welcome surprise, but also as a hopeful fillip to serious negotiations to end the carnage in what is left of that beleaguered country. As always, a …

Ray McGovern – The Courage from Whistle-blowing

When Edward Snowden in early June 2013 began to reveal classified data showing criminal collect-it-all surveillance programs operated by the U.S. government’s National Security Agency, former NSA professionals became freer to spell out the liberties taken with the Bill of Rights, as well as the feckless, counterproductive nature of bulk electronic data collection. On Jan. 7, 2014, four senior retired …

Ray McGovern – A Moral Challenge for Pope Francis

Pope Francis could use his visit to the U.S. this week to make unmistakably clear that the Catholic Church’s teaching on the “sanctity of life” applies to more than just the first nine months of gestation. If he does so, he would face formidable opposition. The bishops appointed by Francis’s two predecessors had to swear allegiance to anti-abortion principles while …

Ray McGovern – Propaganda, Intelligence and MH-17

During a recent interview, I was asked to express my conclusions about the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over Ukraine, prompting me to take another hard look at Official Washington’s dubious claims – pointing the finger of blame at eastern Ukrainian rebels and Moscow – based on shaky evidence regarding who was responsible for this terrible …

The Lasting Pain from Vietnam Silence – Ray McGovern

Ecclesiastes says there is a time to be silent and a time to speak. The fortieth anniversary of the ugly end of the U.S. adventure in Vietnam is a time to speak – and especially of the squandered opportunities that existed earlier in the war to blow the whistle and stop the killing. While my friend Daniel Ellsberg’s leak of the Pentagon …

The Nasty Blowback from America’s Wars – Ray McGovern

Brutality thrives in American police treatment of common citizens reflecting an ethos of violence that has flourished over the past dozen years with almost no one in authority held accountable. Much of this behavior can be traced back to U.S. wars of choice – and it is not as though we were not warned of the inevitable blowback. On Feb. …