Oxytocin enhances spirituality, new study says

Oxytocin has been dubbed the “love hormone” for its role promoting social bonding, altruism and more. Now new research from Duke University suggests the hormone may also support spirituality. In the study, men reported a greater sense of spirituality shortly after taking oxytocin and a week later. Participants who took oxytocin also experienced more positive emotions during meditation, said lead author Patty Van Cappellen, …

Meditations and Molotovs – 06.13.16

There is simply no way to understand the massacre in Orlando without asking fundamental questions about our society, its various institutions, cultures and ideologies.

Hence, today’s program features a discussion concerning violence, guns, patriarchy, capitalism, civilization, homophobia, religion, militarism, racism, ecological devastation and how all of these things are inherently connected.

In the end, the government isn’t taking anyone’s guns in the U.S. There will be no “buy back” program. There will be no “confiscation efforts.” And there surely won’t be a “ban on assault weapons” in the near future. In the meantime, what are decent Americans to do?

The Gary Null Show – 02.18.16

Gary gives you the latest in Health and Nutrition. Gary then discusses the latest news going on in the world and plays some great You Tube clips as well. Here are the two You Tube clips to enjoy.

YOU TUBE CLIP – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2DZ8bbxd8U


One of the best arguments against people who claim Islam as a religion of war.

YOU TUBE CLIP – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghr-JMq1VT0

TITLE: Muslims Fail to Prove Islam is a Religion of Peace in Debate

Zeba Khan and Maajid Nawaz debate against Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Douglas Murray to try and prove that Islam is a religion of peace. Spoiler alert: they fail miserably, and that”s not just my bias, that’s how the audience actually felt. The only thing Zeba and Maajid proved was that they wish and hope that Islam will become a religion of peace.

Note: The only parts cut from the debate were the long introduction before the moderator first starts speaking and instances where the moderator repeated the name of the debate and all the debaters, which he did several times. You will see a cut at about 52 minutes in where Maajid is just finishing a sentence. Nothing that he said was cut. After he says “camp” the video cut to the audience and the moderator started announcing the debate information again.

Otherwise, even the questions and answers have been left in at the end.

Michael Schulson – The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

Over the holidays, the New York Times ran a punishing profile of Marc Gafni, an ex-rabbi who reinvented himself as a New Age spiritual leader. A founder of the Center for Integral Wisdom and organizer of the Success 3.0 Summit, Gafni has built a New Age brand around two trademark concepts—Unique Self and Outrageous Love—which, like much of “Integral Theory,” seems to draw from …

Highly religious Americans are less likely to see conflict between faith and science

Pew Research Center WASHINGTON, D.C. (Oct. 22, 2015) – A majority of the public (59%) says science and religion often conflict, while 38% says science and religion are mostly compatible. But people’s sense that there is a conflict between religion and science seems to have less to do with their own religious beliefs than it does with their perceptions of …

The Gary Null Show – 09.04.15

Anthony Samsel is an independent research scientist and consultant deeply concerned with public health. In the past he was a research chemist for Arthur D Little and has consulted for JBF Scientific and the US EPA. In recent years Anthony has focused his independent research into the adverse risks of agricultural chemicals, particularly Monsanto’s glyphosate or Roundup, and publishing his findings, in collaboration with Dr. Stephanie Seneff at MIT, on its relationship to cancer and other diseases. Their collaboration has produced 3 research papers published in the journal Entropy on the roundup-cancer relationship and a fourth paper will be published this month.

Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a senior research scientists at MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. She holds four degrees from MIT including degrees in Biophysics and a PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. She is a fellow of the International Speech and Communication Association for her research in human auditory and language processing, and has published over 170 science papers during her career. In recent years, Dr. Seneff’s research has returned medical and health issues, micronutrient deficiencies and the negative health consequences of aluminum, glyphosate and statin drugs including their relationship to Alzheimers, autism, adverse vaccine reactions and other illnesses. Her website isPeople.Csail.MIT.edu/seneff