The host Cliff Stewart, Lisa Stewart and Lamont Banks will be Shining a Spotlight on Capitol Hill and Democratic Party Nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton, currently…
As the nation reels from two recent fatal police shootings of black men, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump on Wednesday called for cities nationwide to adopt "stop-and-frisk"—a widely…
Time was when a presidential candidate who played footsie with segregationists and white supremacists would have been banished to the fringes of the American political…
Updates on declining US incomes, parental leave policies, rising medical deductibles, social security dependence, officials who take big, corp jobs. Interview with Peter Ranis author…
Jack takes on recent reports from private and government sources this past week that US incomes and the economy are finally recovering. Taking issue with…
The Clinton Global Initiative, the jewel in the crown of The Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation described as an incubator of ideas for tackling…
As the US presidential race approaches its climax and European officials ponder the implications of the UK’s Brexit vote, public discussion of security affairs is largely…
It’s the third day of “polling” listeners’ attitudes about the 2016 presidential race, the issues driving it, and the combined effect on individual political decisions…
Liberal Americans like to think of Donald Trump as an aberration and believe that his idea of building a great wall along the U.S.-Mexico border to prevent…
The American people are again fully enthralled in the puppet show of national elections, and while arguments grow ever-more heated and partisan, the fact remains that…