Leid Stories—Dr. Jeffrey Perry Presents ‘Hubert Harrison, Father of Harlem Radicalism’—02.06.18

A mere shadow of its past, Harlem today gives almost no hint that it was the epicenter of the Black world. Segregationist, white-supremacist laws and policies rigidly controlled life in America, especially in its nonwhite communities, and the system thought it would permanently have the upper hand. It vastly underestimated the enduring impact of the Black church and radical Black …

Leid Stories—Hillary’s Emailgate Compounds the Clintons’ Legal Woes with Foundation—02.01.18

An FBI investigation into former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified information via a private server installed in her Chappaqua, N.Y., home and other unsecured devices appears to have established a direct link between her Cabinet-level position and hundreds of millions of dollars flowing into the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation (The Clinton Foundation) from “donors” seeking political …

The Conspiracy Guy – 01.31.18

Conspiracy Guy Show #61: The State of the Union may not have generate much in the way of new policies, but some of what the President had to say was striking, such as keeping Guantanamo open (for pedophiles and corrupt government officials(?)) and that we should not be sending foreign aid to nation’s that are not our friends. If that …

Leid Stories—State of Disunion 2018: A People’s Assessment of Donald Trump and His Administration (Part 3)—01.30.18

President Donald Trump had the nation’s attention last night and he basked in all 80 minutes of it, priming the pump for a national tour that will reiterate and underscore his speech’s major points. Several Democratic senators and more than two dozen House members legislators boycotted the president’s State of the Union address and others, mostly Democrats, wore black to …

Leid Stories—State of Disunion 2018: A People’s Assessment of Donald Trump and His Administration—01.29.18

When he addressed Congress and the nation last year, Donald Trump was fresh from his inauguration as the 45th president of the United States and just five weeks on the job. His State of the Union address, therefore, focused more on campaign themes and about challenges ahead than about accomplishments. But tomorrow, when Trump delivers his first real State of the Union message …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.25.18

SOLAR TARIFFS & PUERTO RICO concern us today in Solartopia. Trump’s insane, absurd and downright silly duties on solar panels will cost about 23,000 jobs and do nothing to promote domestic manufacturing.  We talk with solar expert SCOTT SKLAR who knows all about it. We then discuss the horror show in Puerto Rico with long-time activist JOEL SEGAL, who’s been …

Economic Update – Knowledge, Class and Economics – 01.21.18

Updates on problems and solutions for workplace discrimination, China’s ascending economy, capitalism’s drive to income and wealth inequalities, economics of immigration’s winners and losers, US capitalism and African-Americans. Interview with co-author Prof. Richard McIntyre on new book: Knowledge, Class and Economics: Marxism Without Guarantees.   Download this episode (right click and save)

Alternative Visions – Trump’s Tax Cuts: More than $5 Trillion (Not $1.5T) – 01.12.18

Dr. Rasmus starts the show with comments on last week’s announcement by WalMart raising its minimum wage and the Bloomberg News story about China considering cutting back buying US Treasury bonds. The rest of the show addresses the Trump Tax Cuts true extent of tax reduction on corporations, businesses, investors and the wealthiest 1% households. Jack debunks the notion that …

Solartopia Green Power and Wellness Hour – 01.11.18

ELECTION THEFT AT THE SUPREME COURT & HOMELAND SECURITY Election protection heroes Bob Fitrakis, Chris Sautter and John Brakey join us in Solartopia to discuss the hugely important upcoming Supreme Court decision on voter suppression in Ohio.  The Court will decide whether secretaries of state like Jon Husted could eliminate millions of suspected Democrats from the voter rolls based primarily …

The Gary Null Show – 01.10.18

A look at the environmentalm, agricultural and social transformation legacy of the Austrian visionary Rudolf Steiner Professor Daniel McKanan is the Ralph Waldo Emerson Unitarian Universalist Senior Lecturer at Harvard Divinity School, where he specializes in the American history of religious and spiritual movements for social transformation, with a special emphasis on environmental activism and intentional communities. Before coming to …