A Tour of the GOP 2016 Posse — A Noah’s Ark of Right-Wing Specimens

The 2016 Republican presidential posse is now in its right-wing flavor-of-the-month phase. According to recent polls [3], the most popular not-quite-new face on the presidential trail is Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Some of that is attributable to Cruz announcing he’s running before others—although that will soon change with Tuesday’s announcement by Sen. Rand Paul, R-KY, and others to follow. But Cruz the …

Trickle-Down Economics and Trickle-Down Poverty

My friend Tonya, a woman in her late thirties who has lived in poverty for decades, called me today. “I feel like a sponge,” she said. “Everyone’s problems trickle down onto me and I absorb them all.” Tonya was referring to the term “trickle-down economics.” While she didn’t have the exact definition of trickle-down economic theory in mind (trickle-down economics is the …

On Hitler’s Birthday, U.S. Will Begin Training Ukraine’s Far-right National Guard

On Tuesday, The Associated Press reported [3] The United States plans to send soldiers to Ukraine later this month to train the country’s national guard, which includes groups expressly espousing support for far-right and Nazi ideology. Ukraine’s Interior Minister Arsen Avakov said in a Facebook post on Sunday that the units to be trained include the Azov Battalion, a volunteer force that has …

Why Iran Distrusts the US in Nuke Talks

The Iranians may be a bit paranoid but, as the saying goes, this does not mean some folks are not out to get them. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his knee-jerk followers in Washington clearly are out to get them – and they know it. Nowhere is this clearer than in the surreal set of negotiations in Switzerland premised not on evidence, …


George Washington pointed out, “Overgrown military establishments, which under any form of government, are inauspicious to liberty, and which are to be regarded as particularly hostile to Republican Liberty. Wise words by the father of our country, but ones, unfortunately, rejected by modern-day Americans, who love and idolize the enormously overgrown military establishment that now characterizes our federal governmental system. …

Obama’s Secrecy Obsession

If President Barack Obama is ever to take control of his foreign policy – and move the United States into a more peaceful and pragmatic direction – he will need to shake his obsession with secrecy and bring the American people into his confidence by sharing with them information about key events that have shaped recent crises. Right now, the …

War With Iran, by the Numbers

Sen. John McCain and others on the American Right are in favor of dropping those pesky negotiations with Iran and just bombing their nuclear enrichment sites.  Doing so, however, would only set them back a year or so, and would certainly put Iran on a war footing with the USA.  Those who think such bombing runs would be the end …

Big Money vs. The People: The Main Political Battle of Our Times

This piece has run as an op/ed in newspapers in my very red congressional district in Virginia. Here’s what I bet that historians will say was the No. 1 political battle in the America of our times. Not the national debt, or abortion, or Obamacare, or immigration, or gun rights. Instead, historians will say the most important fight was over …

TPP Opponents Mobilize as Powerful Forces Seek to Ram Through ‘Fast Track’ Trade Authority

With Congress “dangerously close” to ramming through trade promotion authority, or Fast Track, by mid-April—in turn smoothing the way for passage of corporate-friendly trade deals like the Trans-Pacific Partnership—lawmakers and activists are scrambling to sway key figures in the debate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) reportedly said last week that he wants the Senate Finance Committee to approve a Fast Track …

War budget might be permanent ‘slush fund’

The practice of slipping unrelated or pet projects into spending bills for the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan — from new helicopters to fighter aircraft — has long been derided as deceptive and financially irresponsible. But now lawmakers have taken the budget gimmickry to a whole new level — no longer even pretending that billions of dollars in additional war …